Michael Quirk: “Eleven Theses on American Democracy”

Sanders’ proposed revolution “is a strong democratic socialist/social democratic challenge to the crumbling neoliberal doctrines of the present-day Democratic Party. It expresses the yearning of many for effective political participation, as opposed to the best government money can buy. It challenges the plutocracy in the name of both freedom and equality. But most importantly ……

A portrait of political historian and theorist Danielle Allen

Allen calls the social vision that incorporates her work on equality “egalitarian participatory democracy.” It evolved out of a belief that civic republicanism and liberalism, the most robust traditions of thought addressing democratic political equality, needed modification in order to work in a diverse modern society. Allen is trying to answer the same questions about…

The exhibition “500 Years of Utopia” at the University of Southern California

“The collections we drew from all work to demonstrate how utopian thinking has underwritten experimental communities throughout Southern California — and much further afield — for generations now, from health retreats and New Age co-ops to futuristic urban visions of Los Angeles itself,” said co-curator and architecture writer Geoff Manaugh. 500 Hundred Years of Failed…