Silvia Federici: “The revolution is now”

“Enough with this idea of the revolution which has become in the future, so one day the children of my children will live better. No. The revolution is now.  We have one life. Every day is precious. We cannot think of the revolution in the future. If we struggle, it is because the life that…

Shelton Stromquist: “The Paris Commune Was a Unique Experiment in Running a City for Its People”

“Before the Commune’s demise, the people of Paris had set about reconstructing authority and governance in the city along unprecedentedly revolutionary lines, grounded in the popular euphoria surrounding the central government’s retreat from Paris on March 18, 1871.  Despite near-constant threats to the Commune’s existence from the rival government occupying Versailles, the audacious common folk…

Laura Vicente: “Mujeres Libres: A genealogy of anarchist feminism”

‘This was “their revolution of life”, a long-term transformation that began to change ways of life, personal relationships, work, “care” and an endless number of other aspects, paying attention to the small, to the quiet, to the intimate, to the breath of each body. These women glimpsed other possible worlds and, despite the defeat, they…

Christina Heatherton: “How the Mexican Revolution shaped radical politics worldwide”

“From 1910-1920, armed peasants and workers reshaped Mexico in a democratic and agrarian revolution. The Mexican Revolution rippled throughout the world, influencing radical politics from Chicago to Moscow. Despite its potent effect on contemporary revolutionaries, the Mexican Revolution’s legacy has gone somewhat unrecognized today, particularly within the US. Author Christina Heatherton joins The Marc Steiner Show to…

Marcello Tarì’s “There Is No Unhappy Revolution” reviewed by Chrys Papaioannou

“Written from the standpoint of an intellectual who remains committed to the political project of insurrectionary communism, Tarì’s monograph-cum-manifesto will no doubt rouse readers who take textual pleasure in the insurgent lyricism of militant collectives such as The Invisible Committee, Tiqqun and Colectivo Situaciones.”

Julia Kornberg: “In Rocinante’s Stirrups: Che Guevara’s quixotic journey”

“Wherever there has been oppression, wherever there is some kind of revolutionary spirit left, Che’s image—not Guevara’s, but that of the nicknamed icon—accompanies and surveys, watching lopsidedly from the distance in Alberto Korda’s historical image. But what lies behind it remains elusive, his name now reduced to an almost empty signifier for individuals on the…

Hall Greenland: “After Independence, Algeria Launched an Experiment in Self-Managing Socialism”

“Local democracy wasn’t always perfect: there were many examples of local bigwigs, mafia, and armed mujahideen doing side deals with emigrating European owners or seizing European property. However, in the latter cases, there were often ongoing struggles between the usurpers and local workers for control.  The spontaneous reality of the summer of 1962 set the…

Jamie Allinson: “The Actuality of Counter-Revolution”

“Counter-revolutions are difficult to circumscribe because they belong both to the past that preceded the revolution and make the future that succeeds it. Or to put the issue in more prosaic language: when does counter-revolution begin? And, what does it counter – does counter-revolution simply restore the past, or make its own new present? What…

Sahar Delijani: “Watching From a Distance As Women Fight for Freedom in Iran”

“There is a revolution in the making, and you must rush to make impressions of its traces, its familiar faces. You must learn to listen to its heartbeat, memorize it, keep it safe. For, this is for you too. This struggle. It encompasses your life, your freedom, your beliefs, your dreams of a better world.…