The Menaechmi: Hearing Latin Come to Life

Growing up, my career as an actress never got any farther than the yearly middle school play.  I never was a “theater kid” in high school, and I had no plans of becoming one in college.  I therefore was a little surprised with myself when I chose to enroll in Latin 325 Reading Latin Drama.  This is because the Latin 235 not only involves reading Latin drama, it involves performing it.

This year, the class of Latin 325 will be performing Plautus’s The Menaechmi.   The experience of acting in a different language (and a dead language at that) has been fascinating and challenging.  Before this class, I always felt as though Latin were something eternally stuck in the pages of books.  In order to perform my role, I have had to challenge this concept.  I am learning how to not only think about what the text means, but to feel what it means.  Latin may technically be a dead language, but I have seen it alive!

A comedy which predates the modern sitcom, The Menaechmi portrays the disaster and hilarity which occurs in a case of mistaken identity. The Menaechmi will be performed on December 7th at 4:00pm in the Classics Library.  Admission is free and all are invited to attend.