Current CFPs
52nd Annual Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture February 17-18 (Virtual) – 20-22 (In-Person), 2025
Keynote speakers – Ben Lerner, Rachel Kushner, Jahan Ramazani, and George Medina
The Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture invites critical & creative papers and full panel discussions about literature from the 20th and 21st centuries. Applicants may submit papers that connect to other art forms and academic fields. The conference also welcomes creative submissions, such as literary compositions, videos, or hybrid genres, as well as critical-creative submissions exploring poetics, crafts, or writing practices. We encourage proposals that bring together people from different universities or organizations, with varying levels of experience in academia, and from various fields of study. Submissions are accepted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Hebrew, and Italian. Panels involving global literature and culture in other languages are encouraged. Here’s the link for more information about submissions
This panel at Northeast MLA (Philadelphia, 6-9 March 2025) will focus what T. S. Eliot can do for the Humanities today and what the Humanities ought to do with T. S. Eliot. Eliot’s work offers a compendium of Humanities material: poetry and drama chock-full of literary history, philosophy, religion, and music; literary, cultural and social criticism; political and economic theorizing; translation, and more. Eliot’s writing and ideas were enormously influential in the development of the academic Humanities in the 20th century, and he often fought for traditions and disciplines that are now threatened from every quarter. At the same time, the Humanities have also undergone a long process of reassessing the influence of Eliot and figures like him. Given this shifting terrain and the wealth of new Eliot resources available in the last decade—letters, eight volumes of prose, biographies, scholarly editions of the poems—what can we say about Eliot and the Humanities today? What did Eliot see that we need to see again? What did he miss? What is the place of Eliot in the contemporary Humanities landscape? Preference will be given to proposals that engage with those newly available Eliot materials. Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words and a brief bio to by 30 September 2024.
Modern Language Association 2025: 21st-Century Eliot: Recent developments in Eliot studies, including the release of the Eliot/Hale letters and the publication of Eliot’s complete prose in digital format, as well as the new editions of his poetry and new scholarly biographies and collections, promise to transform Eliot studies for the foreseeable future. 21st Century Eliot brings together Eliot scholars with a focus on digital methodologies and/ or approaches drawing on the new materials available for research. Send abstracts of 200 words and a brief CV to Dr. John McIntyre at by 10 March 2024.
AI response to “Eliot playing Xbox”–prompt provided by John McIntyre
The International T. S. Eliot Society is accepting proposals for a panel at the annual Midwest MLA conference in Chicago, IL to be held November 14-16, 2024. Any proposal on a subject reasonably related to Eliot studies will be considered. Papers drawing from relatively recently released materials from the Hale correspondence, The Complete Prose, or Letters would be especially welcome. If you are interested in participating, please send abstract proposals (250-300 words) to Professor Edward Upton ( Submissions must be received no later than April 15. Please note: the Society does not provide funds for travel to and from the conference.
The T. S. Eliot Society is sponsoring two sessions at the 2024 annual conference of the American Literature Association, May 23-26, 2024, at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago. Nancy Gish has organized and is chairing an especially appealing pair of panels: see the panelists and paper topics here. For information on the ALA and its 2024 meeting, please see the ALA website.
Modern Language Association, 2024, Eliot panel: “T. S. Eliot Unsealed.” Megan Quigley organized chaired a session of interest to us all. Here are the participants and their paper titles: Anderson Araujo, “The Political Economy of Eliot’s Complete Prose “; Tony Cuda, “Abstraction and Empathy”; Frances Dickey, “Eliot and the Doctrine of Pipit”; Justin Stec, “Eliot’s Epistolary Form and the Transmutation of Personal Feeling.”
American Literature Association 2024 (23-26 May)
The study of T. S. Eliot is enjoying an unprecedented renaissance, thanks to a wealth of new primary and critical materials. New biographies of Eliot and the key people in his life, the Complete Prose, new editions of his poetry and plays, important new translations, and the publication of thousands of new letters have opened up countless new possibilities for the investigation of Eliot’s life and work. This session invites proposals on any topic reasonably related to T. S. Eliot. Preference will be given to proposals that engage with any of the new materials mentioned above. Submit abstracts of no more than 300 words along with a brief bio to John Morgenstern at by 17 July 2023.
NeMLA 2024 (7-10 March)
The study of T. S. Eliot is enjoying an unprecedented renaissance, thanks to a wealth of new primary and critical materials. New biographies of Eliot and the key people in his life, the Complete Prose, new editions of his poetry and plays, important new translations, and the publication of thousands of new letters have opened up countless new possibilities for the investigation of Eliot’s life and work. This session, the first for the International T. S. Eliot Society as a NeMLA Allied Organization, invites proposals on any topic reasonably related to T. S. Eliot. Preference will be given to proposals that engage with any of the new materials mentioned above. Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words and a brief bio to by 4 September 2023.
The Modern Language Association Meeting 2024: “T. S. Eliot Unsealed”
(MLA 2024, Philadelphia, PA, January 4-7)
With more of Eliot’s work and life available to view than ever before—nine volumes of letters as well as the letters to Emily Hale; new biographies of Hale, Vivien Haigh-Wood Eliot, and T. S. Eliot himself; all eight volumes of the Prose; and a documentary film—a new era of Eliot studies is underway. What can we expect?
Please send 200-word abstracts and a brief CV to Dr. Megan Quigley at by 20 March.
Annual CFPs
The organizations below all have recurring panels reserved for our Society (and generously organized by Society members). We’ll post on this page the CFPs for each of these annual conferences just as soon as the panel organizers pass them on to us.