The Ara Vos Prec* Capital Campaign

* I beg you

Objectives of the capital campaign
~ provide financial stability for our recurrent operational expenses
~ provide funding for new projects and expanded mission
~ keep conference costs as low as possible, especially for graduate students

The cost of running the Society

Our Annual Conference:

The expenses vary, and they increase considerably when we visit places outside of St. Louis. These conference expenses are generally carried by registration fees, but we often end up in the red for external conferences.

Other Annual Expenses:

Fathman Award and Annual Prize:


PayPal Service Charges:


Member Management System


T. S. Eliot Studies Annual






Roughly, we need $6,400 a year to run the Society, excluding the much larger cost of the conference.
The quiet phase of the campaign has so far raised $67,100.
Our goal for the capital campaign is $75,000.

Here are three ways you can donate:

1.     By visiting our Donations page

2.     By sending an email to Jayme Stayer at, indicating your pledge amount and timeframe for installments and completion

3.     By talking to your financial advisor and naming the Society in your estate planning. (If you choose this option, please let us know by writing to Jayme Stayer at

Campaign Progress



Amount Raised

