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Category: Lesson Plan
al-Mozany, Der Marschländer: Bagdad, Beirut, Berlin (1999)
Explore the book cover and text synopsis of this border crossing novel by Hussain Al-Mozany.
Khider’s Der falsche Inder (2008) Module: Writing the Self/Other
Look at the role and representation of writing in select excerpts from Khider’s novel Der falsche Inder (2008).
Khider’s Der falsche Inder (2008) Module
Explore the book cover and text synopsis of this border crossing novel in this first lesson in a three lesson module.
Robert Koch, Menschenexperimente, und Absagekultur (1882 und heute)
Students in upper-level German classes can discuss the untold history of Robert Koch and decide when to remove problematic names from public spaces
Ein Virus kennt keine Moral Module, 1993
Frame and Preparation Ein Virus kennt keine Moral Materials Discussion & Activity The slides accompanying this set of lesson plans contain all the in-class activities; what is presented here are the texts of the assignments (often discussion posts). Day 1 Read the text “Geschichte der Medizin: Eigenverantwortung oder Schicksal?” in class and discuss with questions…
Keça Filankes, “Zwei Çaylöffel Şekir,” 2020
Students may discover that there is more than one way to write German meaningfully through the poetry of Keça Filankes
Heinrich Leopold Wagner, “Die Kindermörderin,” 1775
Frame and Preparation Die Kindermörderin Content warnings: violence, infanticide, sexual assault Conceptual Frames and Background Introduction Wagner’s play is based on the historical problematic during the 18th-century of the so-called ‘fallen women’ whose pregnancies outside of marriage, sometimes unwanted, would mean a dramatic loss of status if they were made known to the bourgeois or…
Ostashevsky, “The Feeling Sonnets,” 2019
A short discussion activity focusing on the contemporary multilingual poet Eugene Ostashevsky.
Weyhe, “Rude Girl,” 2022
Discuss homesickness, feeling at home, and cultural exchange while learning how to analyze pictures and text in the graphic novel Rude Girl.