Discuss homesickness, feeling at home, and cultural exchange while learning how to analyze pictures and text in the graphic novel Rude Girl.
Category: Black German Studies
Hügel-Marshall, Invisible Woman, 1993
This two-lesson discussion guide follows excerpts of Hügel-Marshall’s memoir and engages with questions of individual and institutional racism in the postwar period.
Popoola, Also By Mail, 2013
A two-part discussion based lesson focused on this family drama that confronts loss, racism, and cross-cultural etiquette.
Nura, “Fair,” 2021
Discuss current events through Nura’s rap “Fair” with this German-language lesson plan
Schultz, “Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years, 1984-1992” 2012
Engage with Audre Lorde’s activism and critical work within the historical context of anti-racist and Afro-German movements before and after reunification.
Ayim, blues in schwarz weiss, 1995
The discussion focuses on performing close readings of the poems together, charting moments of disorientation and identification through word choice.
Sow, Die schwarze Madonna, 2019
Moving between city and country, discuss the role of stereotypes and social expectations when finding a new home.
Otoo, “Herr Gröttrup setzt sich hin,” 2016
This discussion explores themes of difference, intergenerational relations, and how legacy of WWII is narrated.
Otoo, “Die Geschichte von Kreis und Viereck,” 2018
Following Otoo’s short story, this lesson explores themes of difference, inclusion, and community through an allegory of geometric shapes