Explore the book cover and text synopsis of this border crossing novel by Hussain Al-Mozany.
Category: Migration Studies
Khider’s Der falsche Inder (2008) Module: Writing the Self/Other
Look at the role and representation of writing in select excerpts from Khider’s novel Der falsche Inder (2008).
Khider’s Der falsche Inder (2008) Module
Explore the book cover and text synopsis of this border crossing novel in this first lesson in a three lesson module.
Keça Filankes, “Zwei Çaylöffel Şekir,” 2020
Students may discover that there is more than one way to write German meaningfully through the poetry of Keça Filankes
Ostashevsky, “The Feeling Sonnets,” 2019
A short discussion activity focusing on the contemporary multilingual poet Eugene Ostashevsky.
Popoola, Also By Mail, 2013
A two-part discussion based lesson focused on this family drama that confronts loss, racism, and cross-cultural etiquette.
Ören, “Was Will Niyazi in der Naunynstrasse?” 1973
Discuss the emergence of Turkish-German literature while reading Aras Ören’s breakthrough epic poem
Selimović and Ronen, Roma Armee, 2017
Discuss topics of identity, community formation, and transculturality that come up in the Gorki Theater’s 2017 play Roma Armee.
Sam Zamrik, Ich bin nicht 2, 2022
A short activity in listening comprehension that engages with an interview with poet Sam Zamrik.
Sam Zamrik, Ich bin nicht 1, 2022
A close-reading activity focused on a handful of poems by the Berlin-based poet Sam Zamrik.