Students in upper-level German classes can discuss the untold history of Robert Koch and decide when to remove problematic names from public spaces
Tag: 2020s
Weyhe, “Rude Girl,” 2022
Discuss homesickness, feeling at home, and cultural exchange while learning how to analyze pictures and text in the graphic novel Rude Girl.
Çatak, Das Lehrerzimmer, 2023
A two-lesson discussion focusing on Çatak’s feature film Das Lehrerzimmer.
Sam Zamrik, Ich bin nicht 2, 2022
A short activity in listening comprehension that engages with an interview with poet Sam Zamrik.
Nura, “Fair,” 2021
Discuss current events through Nura’s rap “Fair” with this German-language lesson plan
Sam Zamrik, Ich bin nicht 1, 2022
A close-reading activity focused on a handful of poems by the Berlin-based poet Sam Zamrik.
Czollek, Desintegriert Euch!, 2018
Engage the concepts of leitkultur, integration, and assimilation through this defiant and funny essay.
Kianush & PA Sports, “Wer du bist”, 2020
Engage in a close reading activity on lyrics this contemporary song addressing contemporary German politics and discrimination.