A short discussion activity focusing on the contemporary multilingual poet Eugene Ostashevsky.
Tag: poetry
Hügel-Marshall, Invisible Woman, 1993
This two-lesson discussion guide follows excerpts of Hügel-Marshall’s memoir and engages with questions of individual and institutional racism in the postwar period.
Sam Zamrik, Ich bin nicht 2, 2022
A short activity in listening comprehension that engages with an interview with poet Sam Zamrik.
Sam Zamrik, Ich bin nicht 1, 2022
A close-reading activity focused on a handful of poems by the Berlin-based poet Sam Zamrik.
Ayim, blues in schwarz weiss, 1995
The discussion focuses on performing close readings of the poems together, charting moments of disorientation and identification through word choice.
Tawada, akzentfrei, 2016
Discuss how people react to the ways language is spoken and its relationship to ideas about Herkunft.
Şenocak, Geteilte Mündung, 2011
Two poems propel this discussion on the relationship between body, language, and perception.