This two-lesson discussion guide follows excerpts of Hügel-Marshall’s memoir and engages with questions of individual and institutional racism in the postwar period.
Tag: racism
Kianush & PA Sports, “Wer du bist”, 2020
Engage in a close reading activity on lyrics this contemporary song addressing contemporary German politics and discrimination.
Todorović, Sasha, 2010
Following the themes of the movie Sasha, discuss the intersecting issues of sexuality, religion, and migration.
Maccarone, Fremde Haut, 2005
Engage with the topic of intersectionality as it relates to Fremde Haut and questions of asylum, sexuality, gender expression, and race.
Ataman, Lola und Bilidikid, 1999
Engage with the intersections of race, gender, and sex as represented in this 1999 film.