Theme of Conference

This year’s theme is “Connecting Across Generations”.


Under the theme of “Connecting Across Generations,” this conference will incorporate an extra forum for discussion. They aim to foster long-lasting academic and social networks joining the generation that forged current Japanese Language Education in the United States with the younger generation, who will carry its legacy in an effective way.

In choosing this theme, we reflected on the current reality of Japanese education in the United States. As many professors who served as the pillars of Japanese education retire, along with the active teachers who have been directly influenced by them, we feel a sense of urgency. It is critically important that we discover and educate new faces who can confidently pass on our accumulated knowledge and continue to improve Japanese education. The elimination of several Japanese programs, the decrease in the number of positions offered for Japanese teachers, and the growing instability of teaching careers due to decreased student interest in learning Japanese all contribute to the phenomenon.

We feel a strong sense of responsibility and determination to serve as the bridge between the pioneers of current Japanese education and aspiring leaders in  Japanese education. By asking “what should the future of Japanese education in the United States look like,” we intend to provide an atmosphere in which renowned professors, current lecturers, junior lecturers, K-12 Japanese teachers, and graduate students who intend to become future Japanese educators can learn from each other in a lively discussion.




アメリカの日本語教育界が従来の力を失った理由は多くありますが、原因の一つに昨今の日本語学習者の減少とそれに伴う日本語プログラムの閉鎖、日本語講師のポジションの減少、雇用の不安定さなどが挙げられます。しかし、そのような状況でも日本語教師の道を志す若い人達のために、本大会は彼らと経験のある先生方との間に橋をかける役割を果たしたいと思いました。そのため本大会では通常の学会発表に加え、 参加者のみなさんができるだけ多くの話し合いや出会いの場を持てるようにプログラムを企画しております。また、筒井先生をはじめご発表くださる重鎮の先生方には、長年のご研究や教育経験の中から、特にこれからの日本語教育者に引き継いでいきたいと思われるものをご教示くださるようにお願いしました。

