Publications – Debashish Sahu



Link to Google Scholar for up to date h-index.

  1. Morgan A Gingerich, Jie Zhu, Biaoxin Chai, Michael P Vincent, Nuli Xie, Vaibhav Sidarala, Nicholas A Kotov, Debashish Sahu, Daniel J Klionsky, Santiago Schnell, Scott A Soleimanpour (2023), Reciprocal regulatory balance within the CLEC16A–RNF41 mitophagy complex depends on an intrinsically disordered protein region, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 299 (4), 103057.
  2. Morgan A Gingerich, Xueying Liu, Biaoxin Chai, Gemma L Pearson, Michael P Vincent, Tracy Stromer, Jie Zhu, Vaibhav Sidarala, Aaron Renberg, Debashish Sahu, Daniel J Klionsky, Santiago Schnell, Scott A Soleimanpour (2022), An intrinsically disordered protein region encoded by the human disease gene CLEC16A regulates mitophagy, Autophagy,
  3. Kathleen F. O’Rourke, Rebecca N. D’Amico, Debashish Sahu, David D. Boehr (2021), Distinct conformational dynamics and allosteric networks in alpha tryptophan synthase during active catalysis, Protein Science,
  4. Scott D Gorman, Dennis S Winston, Debashish Sahu, David D Boehr (2020), Different Solvent and Conformational Entropy Contributions to the Allosteric Activation and Inhibition Mechanisms of Yeast Chorismate Mutase, Biochemistry, 59 (27), 2528–2540.
  5. Lee J Silverberg, Carlos Pacheco, Debashish Sahu, Tapas Mal, Peter Scholl, Hany F Sobhi, Heather G Bradley, Omar A Cardenas, Kyanna M Gonzalez, Jasra M Islam, Emily G Kimmel, Winnie Li, Kristen C Perhonitch, Jennifer T Pothering, Michael E Potts, Melissa E Ramirez, Haley E Reppert, Kelsey N Shaffer (2020), T3P-Promoted Synthesis of a Series of Novel 2-Aryl-3-phenyl-2, 3, 5, 6-tetrahydro-4H-1, 3-thiazin-4-ones, Tetrahedron Letters, 151836.
  6. Lee J Silverberg, Carlos Pacheco, Debashish Sahu, Peter Scholl, Hany F Sobhi, Joshua T Bachert, Kaitlyn Bandholz, Ryan V Bendinsky, Heather G Bradley, Baylee K Colburn, David J Coyle, Jonathon R Dahl, Megan Felty, Ryan F Fox, Kyanna M Gonzalez, Jasra M Islam, Stacy E Koperna, Quentin J Moyer, Duncan J Noble, Melissa E Ramirez, Ziwei Yang (2020) T3P‐promoted synthesis of a series of novel 3‐aryl‐2‐phenyl‐2,3‐dihydro‐4H‐1,3‐benzothiazin‐4‐ones Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 57(4), 1797-1805.
  7. Kathleen F O’Rourke*, Debashish Sahu*, Yuliana K Bosken, Rebecca N D’Amico, A Chang Chia-en, David D Boehr (2019) Coordinated Network Changes across the Catalytic Cycle of Alpha Tryptophan Synthase, Structure, 27(9), 1405-1415.e5 * co-first authors
  8. Erik C Cook, Debashish Sahu, Monique Bastidas, Scott A Showalter (2018) Solution Ensemble of the C-Terminal Domain from the Transcription Factor Pdx1 Resembles an Excluded Volume Polymer, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123 (1), 106-116.
  9. Kathleen F. O’Rourke, Jennifer M. Axe, Rebecca N. D’Amico, Debashish Sahu, David D. Boehr (2018) Millisecond timescale motions connect amino acid interaction networks in alpha tryptophan synthase, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, doi:10.3389/fmolb.2018.00092
  10. Scott D. Gorman, Debashish Sahu, Kathleen F. O’Rourke, David D. Boehr (2018) Assigning methyl resonances for protein solution-state NMR studies, Methods, 148, 88-99.
  11. Debashish Sahu, Junji Iwahara (2017) A Discrete-State Kinetics Model for NMR-Based Analysis of Protein Translocation on DNA at Equilibrium, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2017, 121 (41), pp 9548-9556. PDF
  12. Joshua C. Kranick, Durga M. Chadalavada, Debashish Sahu, Scott A. Showalter (2017) Engineering double-stranded RNA binding activity into the Drosha double-stranded RNA binding domain results in a loss of MicroRNA processing function, PLoS One, PDF
  13. Debashish Sahu, Monique Bastidas, Chad W. Lawrence, William G. Noid, Scott A. Showalter (2016) Assessing Coupled Protein Folding and Binding through Temperature-Dependent Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, Methods in Enzymology, 567, 23-45. PDF MATLAB Fitting Macros
  14. Monique Bastidas, Eric B. Gibbs, Debashish Sahu, Scott A. Showalter (2015) A primer for carbon-detected NMR applications to intrinsically disordered proteins in solution. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A, 44, 54–66. DOI: 10.1002/cmr.a.21327. PDF PULSE SEQUENCES
  15. Debashish Sahu, Monique Bastidas, Scott A. Showalter (2014) Generating NMR chemical shift assignments of intrinsically disordered proteins using carbon-detected NMR methods. Anal Biochemistry, 449, 17-25. PDF PULSE SEQUENCES
  16. Levani Zandarashvili, Debashish Sahu, Kwanbok Lee, Yong Sun Lee, Pomila Singh, Krishna Rajarathnam and Junji Iwahara (2013) Real-time Kinetics of High-mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) Oxidation in Extracellular Fluids Studied by in Situ Protein NMR Spectroscopy. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 17, 11621-11627. PDF
  17. Kaycee A. Quarles, Debashish Sahu, Mallory A. Havens, Ellen R. Forsyth, Christopher Wostenberg, Michelle L. Hastings, and Scott A. Showalter, (2013) Ensemble analysis of primary microRNA structure reveals an extensive capacity to deform near the Drosha cleavage site. Biochemistry, 52(5):795-807. PDF Shape Data: pri-mir-16-1 pri-mir-30a pri-mir-107
  18. Christopher Wostenberg, Jeffrey W. Lary, Debashish Sahu, Roderico Acevedo, Kaycee A. Quarles, James L. Cole and Scott A. Showalter, (2012) The role of human Dicer-dsRBD in processing small regulatory RNAs. PLoS One, 7(12):E51829. PDF
  19. Levani Zandarashvili, Dana Vuzman, Alexandre Esadze, Yuki Takayama, Debashish Sahu, Yaakov Levy and Junji Iwahara, (2012) Asymmetrical roles of zinc fingers in dynamic DNA-scanning process by the inducible transcription factor Egr-1. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 109(26):E1724-32. PDF
  20. Yuki Takayama, Debashish Sahu, and Junji Iwahara (2010) NMR studies of translocation of the Zif268 protein between its target DNA sites. Biochemistry, 49, 7998-8005. PDF
  21. Debashish Sahu, Priyanka Debnath, Yuki Takayama, and Junji Iwahara (2008) Redox properties of the A-domain of the HMGB1 protein. FEBS Letters, 582, 3973-3978. PDF
  22. Yuki Takayama, Debashish Sahu, and Junji Iwahara (2008) Observing in-phase single-quantum 15N multiplets for NH2/NH3+ groups with two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 194, 313-316. PDF
  23. Debashish Sahu, G. Marius Clore, and Junji Iwahara (2007) TROSY-based z-Exchange Spectroscopy: Application to the determination of the activation energy for intermolecular protein translocation between specific sites on different DNA molecules.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129, 13232-13237. PDF
  24. B. Jayaram, Kumkum Bhushan, Sandhya R. Shenoy, Pooja Narang, Surojit Bose, Praveen Agrawal, Debashish Sahu, and Vidhu Pandey (2006) Bhageerath: an energy based web enabled computer software suite for limiting the search space of tertiary structures of small globular proteins, Nucleic Acids Research, 34, 6195–6204. PDF

Poster Presentation (National Conference)

  • Debashish Sahu, Monique Bastidas, Eric Gibbs and Scott Showalter, “A Primer for Carbon-Detected NMR Applications to Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Solution”, 57th ENC (Pittsburgh, April 2016)
  • Debashish Sahu, Kaycee A. Quarles and Scott A. Showalter, “Dynamic nature of pri-miRNA revealed by molecular dynamics simulations and biochemical methods” 17th RNA Society Symposium (Ann Arbor, May 2012)
  • Debashish Sahu and Junji Iwahara, “Kinetics of protein translocation between two DNA duplexes at equilibrium: Validation of NMR studies,” 24th Protein Society Symposium (San Diego, August 2010)
  • Debashish Sahu and Junji Iwahara, “Theoretical consideration on NMR approach to analyze kinetics of intermolecular protein translocation between nonspecific DNA molecules”, Keystone Symposium: Frontiers of NMR in Biology (Santa Fe, February 2009).
  • Debashish Sahu and Junji Iwahara, “Determination of the Activation Energy for Intermolecular Protein Translocation between Specific Sites on Different DNA Molecules”, 22nd Protein Society Symposium (San Diego, July 2008).
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