

I give presentations on my research on programs to improve productivity and health to government agencies, foundations, universities, nonprofits, and government in the United States and internationally.

Past clients include:

National Institute on Occupational Safety and Health, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Institute of Medicine, National Science Foundation. Government agencies in Britain, Finland, Ireland, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, and the People’s Republic of China. Foundations include the Carnegie Corporation of New York, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, William T Grant Foundation, Fetzer Foundation, Wilder Foundation.


I have consulted on the design and evaluation of national workforce reemployment programs in China, the Netherlands, Ireland and Finland. In the United States I have served as a consultant to design and evaluate programs to improve employment of youth for foundations including the Carnegie Corporation, the W.T. Grant Foundation and W.T Kellogg Foundation. I have also testified before the US Congressional Select Committee on Children Youth and Families on effective programs to support children, youth and families across the life course.

Engagements can be arranged by contacting me at