A limited number of travel bursaries are being made available for suitable post-graduate students or early-career academics.
- Who qualifies? Local or international students who are currently registered in a master’s or PhD program; academics who are employed as postdoctoral researchers; or academics who have earned a PhD in 2015 or 2016. Only candidates whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the workshop will be considered.
- What does the travel bursary cover? Only actual travel and accommodation costs will be covered.For international candidates a maximum of R20,000 applies; for local candidates a maximum of R6,000 applies.
- When will I know whether my application was successful? As soon as possible after the program has been finalised, but not later than July 25, 2016.
- What is the final date for application? June 15, 2016
- How do I apply? You have to submit your abstract first, following the procedure described here. You can then complete the online application form here (or navigate on VivA’s website to Portale > Inligtingsportaal > Grammatikawerkswinkel). You also have to register for the workshop here.
For enquiries, contact Marlie Coetzee on +27 18 299 1020, or send an email to navraag@viva-afrikaans.org.