How to Apply

**Application deadline has passed**

  1. Please prepare a single document with:
    • your name, contact information, affiliation (if any),
    • up to 300 words about why you wish to participate,
    • up to 250 words describing any programming expertise, relevant skill sets, or anticipated contributions (all skills are valued whether based in community organizing, advocacy, teaching, hacking, policy drafting, tinkering, and others – we are simply using this category to assess how to sort teams for the workshop),
    • and if requesting need-based travel assistance, please include a brief description of estimated expenses that may need to be covered. *We will do our best to honor requests from a limited budget, while prioritizing those in liminal or precarious work and those from positions of marginality.
  1. Participants in the workshop will be eligible to submit a workshop-related paper for a special issue (venue TBD). If you wish to be part of this issue, include a 150-300 word abstract for a paper proposal along with an author bio. *Joint submissions are welcome and encouraged. At least one author of each proposed paper must attend the workshop*.  

* Please note, there is not an option for hybrid attendance to best facilitate a productive communal environment for all; especially those in activist communities who prefer off camera / screen experiences for their safety.

Send all materials and / or questions to workshop leads Apryl Williams ( and Jenny Davis ( with the subject line “AR Workshop Application”.

**Application deadline has passed**