Please take a look at this week’s announcements for the Program in Biology below:
Online Graduation Release Requests For Graduating Seniors in the Program in Biology
If you are planning on graduating in May 2023, please read this message in its entirety, as you must request a major/minor release from the Program in Biology! If you have already requested your major/minor release, you can disregard this email.
We are pleased to now offer an online release request for students who meet the following criteria:
1. You have declared a Program in Biology major or minor or Neuroscience major.
2. Your major requirements in your LSA Online Audit Checklist are error-free (see instructions below).
If your answer is "yes" to both of these, you may request a release online. No appointment with an advisor is necessary!
Deadline and Timelines for Graduation can be found here:
Instructions for accessing your LSA Online Audit Checklist:
1. Go to Wolverine Access.
2. Click on the "Students" tab and then "Student Business".
3. Click on "Student Center".
3. Click on "My Academics" under "Academics"
4. Click on "View my advisement report".
5. Click on "checklist report pdf".
6. Read the checklist. Requirements with a green checkmark have been met. Requirements with a yellow P are complete pending completion of one or more courses in which you are currently enrolled. Red diamonds indicate unfulfilled requirements that must be completed before graduation.
If you believe this checklist is error-free, have declared your major/minor, and plan to graduate in May 2023, you are able to complete the online release form! YOU WILL NEED TO COMPLETE THIS PRIOR TO GRADUATING.
Feel free to email the peer advising team (lsa-biology-peers) or call our direct line (734) 647-1575 with any questions you may have.
Important message from UPiN
1) Information about the April 2023 graduation ceremonies
· The University-wide commencement ceremony will be in the morning on Saturday April 29 at Michigan Stadium and should end before noon. There is no recognition of individual students at this event.
· The UPiN commencement ceremony will be held on Saturday April 29, 2023 evening at the Michigan Theater. This is an important event to celebrate our outstanding graduates. Each graduate has their name announced as they walk across the stage. We ask our students to arrive by 5:30 PM so the ceremony can start promptly at 6 PM and end at approximately 7 PM.
· Students who graduated in Dec 2022 or will graduate in April 2023 or August 2023 are all welcome to participate.
· We will send out a call in about a month soon for students who would like to speak briefly at the event.
2) Information for students expecting to graduate in April 2023 or August 2023
· You must fill out the “Apply to graduate” link on Wolverine Access AND
· The UPiN office must submit a “major release form” that verifies that the courses you have completed plus the courses you plan to take in your senior year will finish the major. If you don’t have a major release yet, you need to get one ASAP!
· Most students should be able to complete this process on-line at: gambit) to help you complete your audit.
3) Registering or making changes to your winter 2023 term classes
· At the time I wrote this message, several core and upper level electives were full. There are, however, some open slots in MCDB/Neuro 322 (Principle of Cell and Molecular Neuroscience), MCDB/Neuro 422 (Brain Development, Plasticity & Circuits), MCDB452 (The Visual System) and MCDB 453/Neuro (Ion Channels and Channelopathies). I encourage our students to consider these courses.
· I want to point out that this is likely the last year MCDB/Neuro 453 will be offered. MCDB/Neuro 453 will be taught by Professor Richard Hume, the past UPiN director. This is a small class focused on discussion of papers. Note that although the stated prerequisite is MCDB/NEURO 322 or Bio 222, overrides into this class will be granted to any student requesting one if they have completed Bio 225 and a Biochemistry course (MCDB 310, BIochem 415 or Chem 351).
· Other core and elective courses with open slots are: Psych 230, MCDB 320, BIOCHEM 415, Chem 351, BIO 305, MCDB 452, MCDB 465, Psych 345, Psych 430, COGSCI 432, Neuro 470, Bio226, MCDB 306, MCDB429, and Psych 331.
4) Information for Students planning to submit an honors thesis in Academic year 2023-24.
If you plan to submit a senior thesis (honors or non-honors) you must apply for, and be admitted to, the neuroscience thesis program. Link to honors application.
· The deadline for applications for December 2023 graduates is January 23, 2023.
· Although the deadline for April and August 2024 graduates is not until September, 2023, it is recommended that students apply by Feb 2023, so that they are eligible for the summer 2023 research fellowships.
· An announcement about applying for UPiN summer research fellowships will be sent out in February or March.
· If you have questions about the Neuroscience honors degree, email honors student advisor Professor Richard Hume (rhume) to schedule an appointment.
The Detroit Partnership Application
The Detroit Partnership is a student organization on campus that connects UMich students with the city of Detroit through weekly volunteer programs and events! They are currently looking for applications for some of their Planning Team’s sub-teams: Community, Major Events, and Finance! Please fill out this application if you are interested in joining.
Cancer-Focused Summer Undergraduate Research (CanSUR) Program
Botanical Gardens Student Funds
The Botanical Gardens has two endowed student funds – but they have strong restrictions. In particular, you may have undergrad researchers who fit. We will be dispersing at least $12K, and maybe as much as $18K this Spring. The (intentionally short!) applications are due by 5:00 pm Friday, Feb 17.
All the information is at:
Hope you all have a wonderful first full week of Winter Semester!
Biology Peer Advisors