Oct 22: Announcement on session on working with Start-Ups on Friday Oct 30

Are you curious about starting your own company, or putting your technical skills to use in a start up environment? Join us for CALC|UM’s start-up and entrepreneurism event, “Entrepreneurship in the Chemical Sciences: Starting or
Joining a Nascent Business,” to learn about opportunities and career paths in the world of start ups, entrepreneurship, and capital management.

We welcome Margaret McCammon, High-Tech Investment Portfolio Manager at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation to describe her transition from doctoral education in chemistry to the world of investments and business innovation.  Additionally, Margaret will educate us on the resources available for young entrepreneurs to help turn their business idea into a reality. After the main event, those interested in working in the startup space as entrepreneurs or
associates are invited to attend an open discussion designed to address questions and build connections between department with the startup community in Michigan.

When: Friday, October 30 2015 from 12:00-1:00 PM, Discussion from 1:00-2:00 PM
Where: Chemistry 1706
Lunch Provided for Registered Attendees

Please Register using this form by Tuesday, October 27th at 5:00PM, and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Joseph Eschweiler