Feb 10: “Is This What I Think It Is? Identifying Microaggressions in the Classroom and Beyond”

“Is This What I Think It Is? Identifying Microaggressions in the Classroom and Beyond” 

Microagressions are everyday verbal or nonverbal environmental slights, snubs and insults that, more often than not, are subconsciously committed by individuals with a privileged, and/or dominant culture background. Elizabeth Rohr, Program Coordinator with the University’s Barger Leadership Institute will facilitate a group discussion, as well as small group activities that will focus on identifying and addressing the role and impact that microaggressions have in and on our daily lives and beyond.

Date: Friday, Feb. 10th
Time: 12-1:30 pm
Location: CHEM 1706

To RSVP, please fill out this form

HOST: Mina Jafari