Data sharing: fMRI timecourses / story-listening

We have publicly released the ROI data and stimulus files connected to our paper Abstract Linguistic Structure Correlates with Temporal Activity during Naturalistic Comprehension. Check it out:

Download: [stimulus] [data]

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, these files are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This means that anyone can use and adapt these files to, for example, test their own models against our data. If you use the data, please cite us!. Contact me (Jon) with any questions.

Brennan, J., Stabler, E. P. Jr., Van Wagenen, S. E., Luh, W.-M., & Hale, J. (2016). Abstract Linguistic Structure Correlates with Temporal Activity during Naturalistic Comprehension. Brain and Language, 157-158, 81-84.  [link]