The Complex Systems Advanced Academic Workshop (CSAAW, pronounced “see-saw”) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor is an ongoing interdisciplinary research forum that receives funding from Rackham via its Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshops (RIW) program and from the Center for Study of Complex Systems.

CSAAW is a friendly, low-pressure environment where presenters can expect feedback from a highly intellectually diverse audience united by an interest in complex systems. CSAAW is a perfect venue for researchers to (a) present work using complex systems methods to an audience that is familiar with complex systems tools, (b) gather a wide range of feedback on complex systems research from many different disciplinary perspectives, or (c) discuss work that advances complex-systems methods.

If you would like to give a talk, please reach out to csaaw-organizers@umich.edu, and we’ll find a time for you to present! For more information about our upcoming events, please follow us on Happening @ Michigan, or join our mailing list by adding yourself on MCommunity or by sending a message to csaaw-organizers@umich.edu