February 10, 2017: Workshop on Gender Equity

This workshop was on microaggressions in academia and beyond. This workshop was co-hosted with Graduate Society of Women Engineers (GradSWE) and Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE), which provided an environment for graduate students from different disciplines to share their experiences and concerns. The workshop was facilitated by Elizabeth Rohr, Program Coordinator with the University’s Barger Leadership Institute and included three main sections.

First, Elizabeth Rohr presented a slide show describing different types of microaggressions and examples. In the second section, participants broke up into smaller groups to discuss each type of microaggressions in more detail and share their own experiences regarding efficient ways for handling microaggressions, either imposed by their students, peers, or faculty members. Finally, the groups came together to share the results of small group discussions with all participants.

At the end of the workshop, students came up with a list of actions:
• Report any incident of bias and aggression using this website:
• Contact graduate coordinators or chairs of your department and ask them to include anti-bias and anti-aggression resources and segments during orientations
• If a member of a lab with biased or microaggressive personnel, figure out ways to change the lab culture. Start by talking and planning with people who support you.