Deborah Beim
University of Michigan Email:
Department of Political Science Homepage:
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
University of Michigan, 2019-present
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
Yale University, 2013-2019
Ph.D., Politics, Princeton University, September 2013
Dissertation: Finding Law: Learning in the Judicial Hierarchy
Committee: Charles Cameron, Brandice Canes-Wrone, Jonathan Kastellec, and Adam Meirowitz
M.A., Politics, Princeton University, November 2010
Fields: American Politics, Formal and Quantitative Methods, Comparative Politics
B.A. (with honors), Political Science, Columbia University, May 2008
Published Papers
“Legal Uniformity in American Courts.” 2019. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 16(3). With Kelly Rader.
“Why Do Courts Delay?” 2017. Journal of Law and Courts 5(2). With Tom Clark and John Patty.
Honorable mention of the APSA Law & Courts Section’s 2016 Best Conference Paper Award.
“Learning in the Judicial Hierarchy.” 2017. Journal of Politics 79(2). Honorable mention of the APSA
Law & Courts Section’s 2013 Best Graduate Student Paper Award.
“Signaling and Counter-Signaling in the Judicial Hierarchy: An Empirical Analysis of En Banc Review.” 2016. American Journal of Political Science 60(2). With Alexander V. Hirsch and Jonathan P. Kastellec. Honorable mention of the APSA Law & Courts Section’s 2016 Best Journal Article Award.
“The Interplay of Ideological Diversity, Dissents, and Discretionary Review in the Judicial Hierarchy:
Evidence from Death Penalty Cases.” 2014. Journal of Politics 76(4). With Jonathan P. Kastellec.
“Whistleblowing and Compliance in the Judicial Hierarchy.” 2014. American Journal of Political Science 58(4). With Alexander V. Hirsch and Jonathan P. Kastellec. Winner of the APSA Law & Courts Section’s 2013 Best Conference Paper Award.
“Shaping Supreme Court Policy Through Appointments: The Impact of a New Justice.” 2009. Minnesota Review 93(5): 1820-1871. With Charles M. Cameron and Jee-Kwang Park.
Working Papers
“Review and Reversal in the Federal Courts.”
“Strategic Ignorance in Persuasion,” with Matt Jordan.
“The Effects of Panel Assignment on the US Court of Appeals in Death Penalty Cases,” with Tom Clark and Ben Lauderdale. Invited to revise and resubmit at the Journal of Politics.
Undergraduate: Game Theory and Political Science; Courts, Judges, and Controversies
Graduate: Collective Action and Choice; Math Camp
Departmental & University Service
Search committee for junior professor in American politics (2018, 2016)
Search committee for junior professor of Race, Ethnicity, and Migration (2018)
Graduate admissions committee (2016 – diversity representative)
American Politics general exam committee (2017, 2014)
Leitner Political Economy Workshop co-organizer (2017, 2016)
Senior theses: Monica Hanratty (2018), Tresa Joseph (2018), Jacob Fender (2018), Tony Nguyen (2016), Robbie Flatow (2016), Omar McKenzie (2014), Nia Holston (2013)
Award committee for the Percival Wood Clement Prize for the best senior essay in support of the Constitution and first ten Amendments (2016, 2014)
Award committee for the Frank M. Patterson Prize for the best senior essay on the American political system (2016, 2014)
Freshman and sophomore advising for Silliman College (2018, 2017, 2014)
Research and Writing papers (for second-year graduate students): Armando Perez-Gea (2017), Ian Crichton (2014)
Co-organized conference (sponsored by the Center for the Study of American Politics) for leading graduate students of judicial politics (2016)
Professional Service
Best Graduate Student Paper Award committee (APSA Law and Courts Section) 2017
C. Herman Pritchett Award for Best Book (APSA Law and Courts Section) 2016
Invited Presentations
2018: Stanford University American Politics/Political Methodology Workshop; First annual conference of the Political Institutions & Political Economy Collaborative at the University of Southern California; Duke University Judicial Process Colloquium; University of Michigan Interdisciplinary Workshop in American Politics
2017: Workshop on the Constitution in Trial Courts (Bar-Ilan, Israel); Texas A&M Political Behavior & Political Institutions Speaker Series; University of Pittsburgh American Politics Seminar; Yale Political Economy working group; Duke University Law & Courts Conference; Yale Center for Teaching and Learning Humanities & Social Science Lunch Series
2016: Cornell University Politics, Sandwiches, and Comments; Conference on Judicial Politics and Political Economy at Princeton University
2015: The Ohio State University Workshop on American Politics; American Politics workshop at Yale University; Law, Economics, and Organization workshop at Yale Law School; Math and Social Sciences seminar at Dartmouth College; American Politics Workshop at Columbia University; American Politics Working Group at University of Rochester; MIT American Politics Conference; American Politics Colloquium at University of California at Berkeley
2014: Conference on “Politics in the Judicial Hierarchy” at Penn State’s Center for American Political Responsiveness; MIT American Politics speaker series; Duke University Political Science speaker series
2013: Colloquium on Law, Economics, and Politics at New York University School of Law