Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Developmental Psychology at the University of Michigan | PDF

Applications are now being accepted for a 2-year NICHD T32 post-doctoral research fellowship in Developmental Science at the University of Michigan. Pending funding approval, the Developmental Area within the Department of Psychology will award one post-doctoral fellowship with a start date in the summer or fall of 2021. The successful applicant must complete all requirements for the PhD before the post-doctoral fellowship can begin; however, it is not necessary that the degree be conferred before the start date. 

The objective of the fellowship is to train individuals on three pillars of knowledge: (1) developmental science of social context; (2) human biology, which may include the measure of hormones, brain structure/function, genomics, or relevant comparative/evolutionary approaches; and (3) advanced research methods (e.g., qualitative and/or quantitative approaches). This cross-training will produce researchers well-positioned to develop cutting-edge work that advances knowledge about how biological factors interact with environmental contexts to influence development across several domains and contexts. 

The Developmental Area faculty has a broad range of research interests across the life-span from infancy to late adulthood. Here is a list of the training grant faculty and their area within Psychology or their department:

Developmental ContextBiologyMethods
Toni Antonucci (Dev Psych)Adriene Beltz (Dev Psych)Adriene Beltz (Dev Psych)
Rona Carter (Dev Psych)Jonathan Brennan (Linguistics)Jonathan Brennan (Linguistics)
Rosie Ceballo (Dev Psych)Margit Burmeister (Human Genetics)Kai Cortina (Dev Psych)
Kai Cortina (Dev Psych)Luke Hyde (Dev & Clinical Psych)Pam Davis-Kean (Dev Psych)
Pam Davis-Kean (Dev Psych)Ioulia Kovelman (Dev Psych)Richard Gonzalez (Social Psych)
Nicole Gardner-Neblett (Dev Psych)Nestor Lopez-Duran (Clinical Psych)Luke Hyde (Dev & Clinical Psych)
Susan Gelman (Dev Psych)Cindy Lustig (CCN Psych)Matt Diemer (Education)
Luke Hyde (Dev & Clinical Psych)Colter Mitchell (ISR)Chandra Sripada (Psychiatry, Philosophy)
Daniel Keating (Dev Psych)Christopher Monk (Dev Psych)Colter Mitchell (ISR)
Vonnie McLoyd (Dev Psych)Patricia Reuter-Lorenz (CCN Psych)
Kevin Miller (Dev Psych)Alexandra Rosati (BioPsych)
Debbie Rivas-Drake (Dev Psych)Srijan Sen (Psychiatry)
John Schulenberg (Dev Psych)Chandra Sripada (Psychiatry, Philosophy)
Jacqui Smith (Dev Psych)Delia Vazquez (Pediatrics)
Twila Tardif (Dev Psych)Laura Zahodne (Clinical Psych)
Brenda Volling (Dev Psych)
L. Monique Ward (Dev Psych)
Felix Warneken (Dev Psych)
Henry Wellman (Dev Psych)
KEY: Dev Psych = Developmental Psychology Area; Clinical Psych = Clinical Psychology Area; CCN = Cognitive and Cognitive Neuroscience Area; Biopsych = Biopsychology Area; Social Psych = Social Psychology Area; ISR = Institute for Social Research.

In the application, candidates will be asked to: (1) identify three advisors — one each to provide training in social context, biology, and advanced methods, and (2) propose a project that combines these areas of research. Candidates are urged to discuss these plans with potential advisors. Fellows are expected to be actively engaged in research during their appointment and will receive additional training in the responsible conduct of research, grant writing, manuscript preparation, and professional development. 


The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in psychology, human development, neuroscience, or related field, and have a record of research accomplishment in child or life-span development. This position is funded by an NIH T32 training grant.  Per the NIH guidelines, “Citizenship/permanent residency requirements for training grants must be met at the time of the appointment.  At the time of the training grant award, the trainee must be a citizen or a noncitizen national of the United States, or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence.”  Please find a link to the guidelines here. Salary is in line with NIH pay scale. Offer includes full UM health benefits and travel to one conference per year.

Application Process

To apply, log into the following Google Form, complete the questions and upload your CV. In addition, please have two individuals send letters of recommendation to Deadline is Friday June 1, 2021.

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