What is the DISC Central Network?
DISC is excited to announce the launch of the DISC Central Network. The DISC Central Network is a central database of virtual events that allow students, faculty, and alumni from across the BTAA network and beyond to participate in the Big Ten Islamic Studies community. Over the coming months, watch this space for regular announcements of public lectures, panels, and discussions on Islam, the Muslim world, and related topics that are open to the entire Big Ten community.
Why create a DISC Central Network?
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent national university action to promote remote education provided a unique opportunity for virtual collaboration between universities. With the wide variety of online events available at BTAA universities, students now have an unprecedented opportunity to expand their network beyond one campus community and learn more than ever before. The DISC Central Network aims to facilitate the connection between students and events, generating interest in individual departments and the greater Big Ten Islamic Studies & Middle Eastern Studies communities.
How are events added?
While everyone has access to event information locally, the DISC Central Network allows for a coherent, concise list of events across the Big Ten for all interested people. Events currently listed are available on all BTAA public calendars. If you have questions about specific events you would like to include, please email the DISC administration at digital.islam@umich.edu.
DISC courses and programming are made possible through the generous financial support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. For more information on the DISC project, please visit our website.