Recent Publications


\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Ygouf et al.}{2024}]{2024AJ….167…26Y} Ygouf M., Beichman C.~A., Llop-Sayson J., Bryden G., Leisenring J.~M., G{\’a}sp{\’a}r A., Krist J.~E., et al., 2024, AJ, 167, 26. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad08c8
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Matuszewska et al.}{2024}]{2024AAS…24320223M} Matuszewska K., Bardalez Gagliuffi D., Albert L., Meyer M., Gizis J., Fontanive C., Faherty J., 2024, AAS, 243, 202.23
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{De Furio et al.}{2024}]{2024AAS…24331602D} De Furio M., Gardner T., Monnier J., Meyer M., Kratter K., Schaefer G., Lanthermann C., et al., 2024, AAS, 243, 316.02
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Lew et al.}{2024}]{2024AAS…24333005L} Lew B., Roellig T., Batalha N., Line M., Mukherjee S., Freedman R., Greene T., et al., 2024, AAS, 243, 330.05
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Mamajek et al.}{2024}]{2024AAS…24345001M} Mamajek E., Bendek E., Belikov R., Meyer M., Raouf N., Nielsen E., Sirbu D., et al., 2024, AAS, 243, 450.01
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Jiang et al.}{2024}]{2024jwst.prop.5261J} Jiang H., Alarcon F.~M., Aoyama Y., Benisty M., Bergin E.~A., Cugno G., Dong R., et al., 2024, jwst.prop, 5261
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{De Furio et al.}{2024}]{2024jwst.prop.5409D} De Furio M., Adams A.~D., Beichman C.~A., Fiorellino E., Greenbaum A., Hodapp K.~W., Johnstone D., et al., 2024, jwst.prop, 5409
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Cugno et al.}{2024}]{2024jwst.prop.5816C} Cugno G., Facchini S., Alarcon F.~M., Bae J., Benisty M., Bergin E.~A., Girard J., et al., 2024, jwst.prop, 5816
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Carter et al.}{2024}]{2024jwst.prop.5835C} Carter A., Absil O., Balmer W., Biller B., Bogat E., Bonavita M., Booth M., et al., 2024, jwst.prop, 5835
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Hodapp et al.}{2024}]{2024AJ….167..102H} Hodapp K.~W., Chu L.~L., Greene T., Meyer M.~R., Johnstone D., Rieke M.~J., Stansberry J., et al., 2024, AJ, 167, 102. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad1b55
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Sallum et al.}{2024}]{2024ApJ…963L…2S} Sallum S., Ray S., Kammerer J., Sivaramakrishnan A., Cooper R., Greebaum A.~Z., Thatte D., et al., 2024, ApJL, 963, L2. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad21fb
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Wagner et al.}{2024}]{2024AJ….167..181W} Wagner K., Leisenring J., Cugno G., Mullin C., Dong R., Wolff S.~G., Greene T., et al., 2024, AJ, 167, 181. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad11d5
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Cugno et al.}{2024}]{2024AJ….167..182C} Cugno G., Leisenring J., Wagner K.~R., Mullin C., Dong R., Greene T., Johnstone D., et al., 2024, AJ, 167, 182. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad1ffc
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Mullin et al.}{2024}]{2024AJ….167..183M} Mullin C., Dong R., Leisenring J., Cugno G., Greene T., Johnstone D., Meyer M.~R., et al., 2024, AJ, 167, 183. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad2de9
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Vandal et al.}{2024}]{2024ESS…..520202V} Vandal T., Albert L., Martinache F., Mary D., Doyon R., Calissendorff P., De Furio M., et al., 2024, ESS, 56, 202.02
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Blakely et al.}{2024}]{2024arXiv240413032B} Blakely D., Johnstone D., Cugno G., Sivaramakrishnan A., Tuthill P., Dong R., Pope B.~J.~S., et al., 2024, arXiv, arXiv:2404.13032. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2404.13032
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Garufi et al.}{2024}]{2024A&A…685A..53G} Garufi A., Ginski C., van Holstein R.~G., Benisty M., Manara C.~F., P{\’e}rez S., Pinilla P., et al., 2024, A\&A, 685, A53. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202347586
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Lew et al.}{2024}]{2024AJ….167..237L} Lew B.~W.~P., Roellig T., Batalha N.~E., Line M., Greene T., Murkherjee S., Freedman R., et al., 2024, AJ, 167, 237. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad3425
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Petrus et al.}{2024}]{2024ApJ…966L..11P} Petrus S., Whiteford N., Patapis P., Biller B.~A., Skemer A., Hinkley S., Su{\’a}rez G., et al., 2024, ApJL, 966, L11. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad3e7c
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Cugno et al.}{2024}]{2024ApJ…966L..21C} Cugno G., Patapis P., Banzatti A., Meyer M., Dannert F.~A., Stolker T., MacDonald R.~J., et al., 2024, ApJL, 966, L21. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad3cbc
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Lawson et al.}{2024}]{2024ApJ…967L…8L} Lawson K., Schlieder J.~E., Leisenring J.~M., Bogat E., Beichman C.~A., Bryden G., G{\’a}sp{\’a}r A., et al., 2024, ApJL, 967, L8. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad4496
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Bowens et al.}{2024}]{2024arXiv240520440B} Bowens R., Meyer M.~R., Tobin T.~L., Viges E., Hart D., Monnier J., Leisenring J., et al., 2024, arXiv, arXiv:2405.20440. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2405.20440
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Tschudi et al.}{2024}]{2024A&A…687A..74T} Tschudi C., Schmid H.~M., Nowak M., Le Coroller H., Hunziker S., van Holstein R.~G., Perrot C., et al., 2024, A\&A, 687, A74. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202449442
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Brandl et al.}{2024}]{2024SPIE13096E..12B} Brandl B.~R., Bettonvil F., van Boekel R., Glauser A., Quanz S.~P., Absil O., Feldt M., et al., 2024, SPIE, 13096, 1309612. doi:10.1117/12.3018975
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Thatte et al.}{2024}]{2024SPIE13096E..14T} Thatte N.~A., Melotte D., Neichel B., Le Mignant D., Rees P., Clarke F., Ferraro-Wood V., et al., 2024, SPIE, 13096, 1309614. doi:10.1117/12.3018520
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Monnier et al.}{2024}]{2024SPIE13092E..2YM} Monnier J.~D., Jain P., Kalluri S., Cutler J., D’Amico S., Lightsey G., Pogorelyuk L., et al., 2024, SPIE, 13092, 130922Y. doi:10.1117/12.3020785
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Glauser et al.}{2024}]{2024SPIE13095E..1DG} Glauser A.~M., Quanz S.~P., Hansen J., Dannert F., Ireland M., Linz H., Absil O., et al., 2024, SPIE, 13095, 130951D. doi:10.1117/12.3019090
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Serra et al.}{2024}]{2024SPIE13103E..1US} Serra B., Ives D.~J., Accardo M., Conzelmann R.~D., Leveratto S., Mueller E., George E.~M., et al., 2024, SPIE, 13103, 131031U. doi:10.1117/12.3019829
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Bowens et al.}{2024}]{2024SPIE13103E..25B} Bowens R., Meyer M.~R., Tobin T.~L., Viges E., Hart D., Monnier J., Leisenring J., et al., 2024, SPIE, 13103, 1310325. doi:10.1117/12.3018499
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Monnier et al.}{2024}]{2024arXiv240803925M} Monnier J.~D., Jain P., Kalluri S., Cutler J., D’Amico S., Lightsey G., Pogorelyuk L., et al., 2024, arXiv, arXiv:2408.03925. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2408.03925
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Carter et al.}{2024}]{2024arXiv240807722C} Carter A.~L., Bowens-Rubin R., Calissendorff P., Kammerer J., Li Y., Meyer M.~R., Booth M., et al., 2024, arXiv, arXiv:2408.07722. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2408.07722
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Alei et al.}{2024}]{2024A&A…689A.245A} Alei E., Quanz S.~P., Konrad B.~S., Garvin E.~O., Kofman V., Mandell A., Angerhausen D., et al., 2024, A\&A, 689, A245. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450320
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{De Furio et al.}{2024}]{2024arXiv240904624D} De Furio M., Meyer M.~R., Greene T., Hodapp K., Johnstone D., Leisenring J., Rieke M., et al., 2024, arXiv, arXiv:2409.04624. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.04624
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Delorme et al.}{2024}]{2024arXiv240918793D} Delorme P., Chomez A., Squicciarini V., Janson M., Flasseur O., Schib O., Gratton R., et al., 2024, arXiv, arXiv:2409.18793. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.18793
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Langeveld et al.}{2024}]{2024AJ….168..179L} Langeveld A.~B., Scholz A., Mu{\v{z}}i{\’c} K., Jayawardhana R., Capela D., Albert L., Doyon R., et al., 2024, AJ, 168, 179. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad6f0c


\bibitem[Petrus et al.(2023)]{2023arXiv231203852P} Petrus, S. and 121 colleagues 2023.\ The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems V: Do Self-Consistent Atmospheric Models Represent JWST Spectra? A Showcase With VHS 1256 b.\ arXiv e-prints. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2312.03852

\bibitem[Banzatti et al.(2023)]{2023ApJ…957L..22B} Banzatti, A. and 21 colleagues 2023.\ JWST Reveals Excess Cool Water near the Snow Line in Compact Disks, Consistent with Pebble Drift.\ The Astrophysical Journal 957. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/acf5ec

\bibitem[Adams et al.(2023)]{2023AJ….166..192A} Adams, A.~D. and 9 colleagues 2023.\ Atmospheric Retrieval of L Dwarfs: Benchmarking Results and Characterizing the Young Planetary Mass Companion HD 106906 b in the Near-infrared.\ The Astronomical Journal 166. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/acfb87

\bibitem[Ray et al.(2023)]{2023arXiv231011508R} Ray, S. and 122 colleagues 2023.\ The \textbackslashtextit{JWST} Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems III: Aperture Masking Interferometric Observations of the star HIP\textbackslash,65426 at $\boldsymbol{3.8\,\rm{\mu m}}$.\ arXiv e-prints. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2310.11508

\bibitem[Sallum et al.(2023)]{2023arXiv231011499S} Sallum, S. and 121 colleagues 2023.\ The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems IV: NIRISS Aperture Masking Interferometry Performance and Lessons Learned.\ arXiv e-prints. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2310.11499

\bibitem[Leisenring et al.(2023)]{2023AN….34430103L} Leisenring, J.~M. and 15 colleagues 2023.\ Evaluating the GeoSnap 13‑{\ensuremath{\mu}} \textbackslashmu m cutoff HgCdTe detector for mid‑IR ground‑based astronomy.\ Astronomische Nachrichten 344. doi:10.1002/asna.20230103

\bibitem[Cugno et al.(2023)]{2023AJ….166..162C} Cugno, G. and 24 colleagues 2023.\ MagAO-X and HST High-contrast Imaging of the AS209 Disk at H{\ensuremath{\alpha}}.\ The Astronomical Journal 166. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/acf375

\bibitem[Lawson et al.(2023)]{2023AJ….166..150L} Lawson, K. and 22 colleagues 2023.\ JWST/NIRCam Coronagraphy of the Young Planet-hosting Debris Disk AU Microscopii.\ The Astronomical Journal 166. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aced08

\bibitem[Carri{\’o}n-Gonz{\’a}lez et al.(2023)]{2023A&A…678A..96C} Carri{\’o}n-Gonz{\’a}lez, {\’O}. and 12 colleagues 2023.\ Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE). X. Detectability of currently known exoplanets and synergies with future IR/O/UV reflected-starlight imaging missions.\ Astronomy and Astrophysics 678. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202347027

\bibitem[Gratton et al.(2023)]{2023A&A…678A..93G} Gratton, R. and 16 colleagues 2023.\ Multiples among B stars in the Scorpius-Centaurus association.\ Astronomy and Astrophysics 678. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202346806

\bibitem[Carrion-Gonzalez et al.(2023)]{2023yCat..36780096C} Carrion-Gonzalez, O. and 12 colleagues 2023.\ VizieR Online Data Catalog: Catalogue of exoplanets within 20pc (Carrion-Gonzalez+, 2023).\ VizieR Online Data Catalog.

\bibitem[Doyon et al.(2023)]{2023PASP..135i8001D} Doyon, R. and 65 colleagues 2023.\ The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for the James Webb Space Telescope. I. Instrument Overview and In-flight Performance.\ Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135. doi:10.1088/1538-3873/acd41b

\bibitem[Gratton et al.(2023)]{2023yCat..36780093G} Gratton, R. and 16 colleagues 2023.\ VizieR Online Data Catalog: Multiples among B-stars in Sco-Cen (Gratton+, 2023).\ VizieR Online Data Catalog.

\bibitem[Bardalez Gagliuffi et al.(2023)]{2023hst..prop17561B} Bardalez Gagliuffi, D.~C., De Furio, M., Dupuy, T.~J., Fontanive, C., Meyer, M.~R.\ 2023.\ The largest high angular resolution survey of ultracool dwarfs using the HST archive.\ HST Proposal, 17561.
\bibitem[Chomez et al.(2023)]{2023A&A…676L..10C} Chomez, A. and 22 colleagues 2023.\ An imaged 15 M$_{Jup}$ companion within a hierarchical quadruple system.\ Astronomy and Astrophysics 676. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202347044
\bibitem[Mandt et al.(2023)]{2023BAAS…55c.26

3M} Mandt, K. and 77 colleagues 2023.\ Advancing Space Science Requires NASA Support for Coordination Between the Science Mission Directorate Communities.\ Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. doi:10.3847/25c2cfeb.e033d3ce

\bibitem[Carter et al.(2023)]{2023ApJ…951L..20C} Carter, A.~L. and 110 colleagues 2023.\ The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems I: High-contrast Imaging of the Exoplanet HIP 65426 b from 2 to 16 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m.\ The Astrophysical Journal 951. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/acd93e

\bibitem[Viswanath et al.(2023)]{2023A&A…675A..54V} Viswanath, G. and 17 colleagues 2023.\ BEAST detection of a brown dwarf and a low-mass stellar companion around the young bright B star HIP 81208.\ Astronomy and Astrophysics 675. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202346154

\bibitem[Meyer et al.(2023)]{2023jwst.prop.4542M} Meyer, M.~R., Calissendorff, P., Rieke, M.~J.\ 2023.\ NIRSpec IFU on free floating analogs.\ JWST Proposal. Cycle 3, 4542.

\bibitem[Roellig et al.(2023)]{2023jwst.prop.4539R} Roellig, T.~L. and 6 colleagues 2023.\ Spectroscopy of T8 WISE 2255-3118.\ JWST Proposal. Cycle 3, 4539.

\bibitem[Hodapp et al.(2023)]{2023jwst.prop.4537H} Hodapp, K.~W., Chu, L.~E., Greene, T.~P., Meyer, M.~R.\ 2023.\ B335 with NIRSpec IFU.\ JWST Proposal. Cycle 3, 4537.

\bibitem[Gardner et al.(2023)]{2023PASP..135f8001G} Gardner, J.~P. and 1007 colleagues 2023.\ The James Webb Space Telescope Mission.\ Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135. doi:10.1088/1538-3873/acd1b5

\bibitem[Yoffe et al.(2023)]{2023A&A…674A..57Y} Yoffe, G. and 17 colleagues 2023.\ Spatially resolving polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Herbig Ae disks with VISIR-NEAR at the VLT.\ Astronomy and Astrophysics 674. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202245656

\bibitem[Banzatti et al.(2023)]{2023yCat..51650072B} Banzatti, A. and 21 colleagues 2023.\ VizieR Online Data Catalog: IR water vapor emission from planet-forming disks (Banzatti+, 2023).\ VizieR Online Data Catalog.

\bibitem[Carter et al.(2023)]{2023jwst.prop.4050C} Carter, A. and 27 colleagues 2023.\ Uncharted Worlds: Towards a Legacy of Direct Imaging of Sub-Jupiter Mass Exoplanets.\ JWST Proposal. Cycle 2, 4050.

\bibitem[Wagner et al.(2023)]{2023jwst.prop.4014W} Wagner, K. and 17 colleagues 2023.\ Imaging Planet Formation at its Earliest Stages: Measuring The Extinction Level of an Enshrouded Protoplanet.\ JWST Proposal. Cycle 2, 4014.

\bibitem[Beichman et al.(2023)]{2023jwst.prop.3925B} Beichman, C.~A. and 10 colleagues 2023.\ Planets or Giant Collisions in the Fomalhaut Debris Disk System.\ JWST Proposal. Cycle 2, 3925.

\bibitem[Bogat et al.(2023)]{2023jwst.prop.3840B} Bogat, E. and 10 colleagues 2023.\ JWST NIRCam Confirmation of the First Directly Imaged Sub-Saturn Mass Exoplanet.\ JWST Proposal. Cycle 2, 3840.

\bibitem[Perrin et al.(2023)]{2023jwst.prop.3399P} Perrin, M. and 22 colleagues 2023.\ An Empirical Calibration of the NIRSpec IFU Point Spread Function to Enable High Contrast Imaging

Spectroscopy.\ JWST Proposal. Cycle 2, 3399.
\bibitem[De Furio et al.(2023)]{2023ApJ…948…92D} De Furio, M. and 22 colleagues 2023.\ JWST Observations of the Enigmatic Y-Dwarf WISE 1828+2650. I. Limits to a Binary Companion.\ The Astrophysical Journal 948. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/acbf1e

\bibitem[Brown-Sevilla et al.(2023)]{2023A&A…673A..98B} Brown-Sevilla, S.~B. and 29 colleagues 2023.\ Revisiting the atmosphere of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b with VLT/SPHERE.\ Astronomy and Astrophysics 673. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202244826

\bibitem[Prepared by the ExoPAG Science Interest Group et al.(2023)]{2023arXiv230412442P} Prepared by the ExoPAG Science Interest Group and 20 colleagues 2023.\ Enabling Exoplanet Demographics Studies with Standardized Exoplanet Survey Meta-Data.\ arXiv e-prints. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2304.12442

\bibitem[Calissendorff et al.(2023)]{2023ApJ…947L..30C} Calissendorff, P. and 27 colleagues 2023.\ JWST/NIRCam Discovery of the First Y+Y Brown Dwarf Binary: WISE J033605.05-014350.4.\ The Astrophysical Journal 947. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/acc86d

\bibitem[Engler et al.(2023)]{2023A&A…672A…1E} Engler, N. and 38 colleagues 2023.\ The high-albedo, low polarization disk around HD 114082 that harbors a Jupiter-sized transiting planet. Constraints from VLT/SPHERE completed with TESS, Gaia, and radial velocities.\ Astronomy and Astrophysics 672. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202244380

\bibitem[Miles et al.(2023)]{2023ApJ…946L…6M} Miles, B.~E. and 110 colleagues 2023.\ The JWST Early-release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems II: A 1 to 20 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m Spectrum of the Planetary-mass Companion VHS 1256-1257 b.\ The Astrophysical Journal 946. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/acb04a

\bibitem[Greenbaum et al.(2023)]{2023ApJ…945..126G} Greenbaum, A.~Z. and 23 colleagues 2023.\ First Observations of the Brown Dwarf HD 19467 B with JWST.\ The Astrophysical Journal 945. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/acb68b

\bibitem[Rieke et al.(2023)]{2023PASP..135b8001R} Rieke, M.~J. and 54 colleagues 2023.\ Performance of NIRCam on JWST in Flight.\ Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135. doi:10.1088/1538-3873/acac53

\bibitem[Banzatti et al.(2023)]{2023AJ….165…72B} Banzatti, A. and 21 colleagues 2023.\ The Kinematics and Excitation of Infrared Water Vapor Emission from Planet-forming Disks: Results from Spectrally Resolved Surveys and Guidelines for JWST Spectra.\ The Astronomical Journal 165. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aca80b

\bibitem[Palma-Bifani et al.(2023)]{2023A&A…670A..90P} Palma-Bifani, P. and 26 colleagues 2023.\ Peering into the young planetary system AB Pic. Atmosphere, orbit, obliquity, and second planetary candidate.\ Astronomy and Astrophysics 670. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202244294

\bibitem[Brown-Sevilla et al.(2023)]{2023yCat..36730098B} Brown-Sevilla, S.~B. and 29 colleagues 2023.\ VizieR Online Data Catalog: 51 Eri b SPHERE/IFS YH spectrum (Brown-Sevilla+, 2023).\ VizieR Online Data Catalog. doi:10.26093/cds/vizier.36730098

\bibitem[Hinkley et al.(2023)]{2023arXiv230107199H} Hinkley, S. and 37 colleagues 2023.\ The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems: Best Practices for Data Collection in Cycle 2 and Beyond.\ arXiv e-prints. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2301.07199

\bibitem[Sivaramakrishnan et al.(2023)]{2023PASP..135a5003S} Sivaramakrishnan, A. and 40 colleagues 2023.\ The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for the James Webb Space Telescope. IV. Aperture Masking Interferometry.\ Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135. doi:10.1088/1538-3873/acaebd

\bibitem[Kammerer et al.(2023)]{2023PASP..135a4502K} Kammerer, J. and 28 colleagues 2023.\ The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for JWST. V. Kernel Phase Imaging and Data Analysis.\ Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 135. doi:10.1088/1538-3873/ac9a74

\bibitem[Roellig et al.(2023)]{2023AAS…24134506R} Roellig, T. and 9 colleagues 2023.\ JWST Time Series Spectra of a Very Rapidly Rotating T-Dwarf.\ American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts.

\bibitem[Beichman et al.(2023)]{2023AAS…24134505B} Beichman, C. and 16 colleagues 2023.\ JWST Observations of the Enigmatic Y Dwarf WISE 1828+2650.\ American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts.

\bibitem[Greenbaum et al.(2023)]{2023AAS…24134504G} Greenbaum, A. and 19 colleagues 2023.\ JWST Observations of the Brown Dwarf HD 19467 B.\ American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts.

\bibitem[Meyer et al.(2023)]{2023AAS…24132106M} Meyer, M. and 26 colleagues 2023.\ Y Dwarf NIRCam Kernel Phase Interferometric Survey: Hunting for the Coolest Brown Dwarf Companions and Planets with JWST.\ American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts.

\bibitem[Cugno et al.(2023)]{2023AAS…24117758C} Cugno, G. and 8 colleagues 2023.\ Searching for forming planets embedded in protoplanetary disks with JWST/NIRCam.\ American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts.

\bibitem[Chu et al.(2023)]{2023AAS…24115501C} Chu, L. and 9 colleagues 2023.\ High Spatial Resolution JWST/NIRCam Extinction Map of Bok Globule B68.\ American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstract


De Furio, M., Liu, C., Meyer, M.R., Reiter, M., Kraus, A., Dupuy, T., et al. (2022), The Astrophysical Journal, 941, 161.

De Furio, M., Gardner, T., Monnier, J., Meyer, M.R., Kratter, K., Schaefer, G., et al. (2022), The Astrophysical Journal, 941, 118.

Zurlo, A., Go{\’z}dziewski, K., Lazzoni, C., Mesa, D., Nogueira, P., Desidera, S., and, …: 2022, {\it Astronomy and Astrophysics} {\bf 666}, A133. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202243862.

Calissendorff, P., Janson, M., Rodet, L., K{\”o}hler, R., Bonnefoy, M., Brandner, W., and, …: 2022, {\it Astronomy and Astrophysics} {\bf 666}, A16. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202142766.

Hinkley, S., Carter, A.L., Ray, S., Skemer, A., Biller, B., Choquet, E., and, …: 2022, {\it Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific} {\bf 134}, 095003. doi:10.1088/1538-3873/ac77bd.

Desgrange, C., Chauvin, G., Christiaens, V., Cantalloube, F., Lefranc, L.-X., Le Coroller, H., and, …: 2022, {\it Astronomy and Astrophysics} {\bf 664}, A139. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202243097.

Ginski, C., Gratton, R., Bohn, A., Dominik, C., Jorquera, S., Chauvin, G., et al. 2022, A&A, 662, 74.,  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202142269.

Bonavita, M., Gratton, R., Desidera, S., Squicciarini, V., D’Orazi, V., Zurlo, A., et al. 2022, A&A, 663, 144,  doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140510.

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High-Resolution ALMA Observations of HD100546: Asymmetric Circumstellar Ring, and Circumplanetary Disk Upper Limits, Pineda et al.

High-contrast study of the candidate planets and protoplanetary disk around HD 100546, Sissa et al.

Dynamical Constraints on the HR 8799 Planets with GPI, Wang et al.

Imaging radial velocity planets with SPHERE, Zurlo et al.

IN-SYNC. VIII. Primordial Disk Frequencies in NGC 1333, IC 348, and the Orion A Molecular Cloud, Yao et al.

SPOTS: The Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars. III. Complete sample and statistical analysis, Asensio-Torres et al.

The GJ 504 system revisited. Combining interferometric, radial velocity, and high contrast imaging data, Bonnefoy et al.

Dynamical masses of M-dwarf binaries in young moving groups. I. The case of TWA 22 and GJ 2060, Rodet et al.

Post conjunction detection of β Pictoris b with VLT/SPHERE, Lagrange et al.

Orbital and atmospheric characterization of the planet within the gap of the PDS 70 transition disk, Muller et al.

Investigating the young solar system analog HD 95086. A combined HARPS and SPHERE exploration, Chauvin et al.

Discovery of a planetary-mass companion within the gap of the transition disk around PDS 70, Keppler et al.

TIKI: a 10-micron Earth-like planet finder for the Gemini South telescope, Blain et al.

ImPlaneIA: Image Plane Approach to Interferometric Analysis, Greenbaum et al.

Direct Imaging of the HD 35841 Debris Disk: A Polarized Dust Ring from Gemini Planet Imager and an Outer Halo from HST/STIS, Esposito et al.

VLT/SPHERE astrometric confirmation and orbital analysis of the brown dwarf companion HR 2562 B, Maire et al.

Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the star HIP 64892, Cheetham et al.

The key science drivers for MICHI: a thermal-infrared instrument for the TMT, Packham et al.

Cryogenic characterization of the grating vector APP coronagraph for the upcoming ERIS instrument at the VLT, Boehle et al.

GPI spectra of HR 8799 c, d, and e from 1.5 to 2.4um with KLIP Forward Modeling, Greenbaum et al.

Finding and Characterizing Other Worlds: the Thermal-IR ELT Opportunity, Meyer et al.

M-dwarf exoplanet surface density distribution. A log-normal fit from 0.07 to 400 AU, Meyer et al.

Impact splash chondrule formation during planetesimal recycling, Lichtenberg et al.

A comprehensive understanding of planet formation is required for assessing planetary habitability and for the search for life, Apai et al.

Dynamical models to explain observations with SPHERE in planetary systems with double debris belts, Lazzoni et al.

Using Ground-Based Telescopes to Mature Key Technologies and Advance Science for Future NASA Exoplanet Direct Imaging Missions, Currie et al.

PCA-based approach for subtracting thermal background emission in high-contrast imaging data, Hunziker et al.

Observability of forming planets and their circumplanetary discs – I. Parameter study for ALMA, Szulágyi et al.

Investigation of the inner structures around HD 169142 with VLT/SPHERE, Ligi et al.

Investigating the young Solar System analog HD95086, Chauvin et al.

Automated data processing architecture for the Gemini Planet Imager Exoplanet Survey, Wang et al.


The HIP 79977 debris disk in polarized light, Engler et al.

The circumstellar disk HD169142: gas, dust and planets acting in concert?, Pohl et al.

Discovery of a warm, dusty giant planet around HIP65426, Chauvin et al.

Improving and Assessing Planet Sensitivity of the GPI Exoplanet Survey with a Forward Model Matched Filter, Ruffio et al.

Characterizing 51 Eri b from 1-5 $mu$m: a partly-cloudy exoplanet, Rajan et al.

An Optical/near-infrared investigation of HD 100546 b with the Gemini Planet Imager and MagAO, Rameau et al.

Complex Spiral Structure in the HD 100546 Transitional Disk as Revealed by GPI and MagAO, Follette et al.

Upper limits for mass and radius of objects around Proxima Cen from SPHERE/VLT, Mesa et al.

The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits. IV. Gravitational instability rarely forms wide, giant planets, Vigan et al.

Uncrowding R 136 from VLT-SPHERE extreme adaptive optics, Khorrami et al.

Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Low-Mass Companion HD984B with the Gemini Planet Imager, Johnson-Groh et al.

1 to 2.4 micron Near-IR spectrum of the Giant Planet β Pictoris b obtained with the Gemini Planet Imager, Chilcote et al.

Testing giant planet formation in the transitional disk of SAO 206462 using deep VLT/SPHERE imaging, Maire et al.

IN-SYNC. V. Stellar kinematics and dynamics in the Orion A Molecular Cloud, Da Rio et al.

The Gaia-ESO Survey: Structural and dynamical properties of the young cluster Chamaeleon I, Sacco et al.

An Information-theoretic Approach to Optimize JWST Observations and Retrievals of Transiting Exoplanet Atmospheres, Howe, Burrows, & Demming