Key Dates

Four Wednesdays, April 7-28th, 2021, 6.30-9pm EST (Zoom)

Reading and Q/A with Peter Ho Davies
April 7, 6:30 pm (Zoom)

Questions of Audience: Discussion Panel with Nawaaz Ahmed, Roohi Choudhry and Pemi Aguda
April 21st 8-9pm (Zoom)

January 9-March 1, 2021 or until full (Deadline extended to March 3rd 11.59pm EST)

Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis, and we’ll make every effort to notify you within four weeks of application.

To apply, fill out a Google form and attach your writing sample (up to 5,000 words). The writing sample should be one short story or an excerpt from a longer work.

Based on your application, you will be assigned one of the following instructors: Nishanth Injam, Karolina Letunova.

Each class is capped at 10 participants. There is no application fee.