The Interdisciplinary Workshop on Comparative Politics (IWCP) provides a platform for sharing and improving research projects that use the comparative method to study the causes and effects of political, social, and economic processes. We welcome presenters, discussants, and participants from all social science fields to share their work with us. We have participants from Political Science, Economics, the Ford School of Public Policy, the Law School, the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, Mathematics, the Ross School of Business, Sociology, Statistics, and the Center for Emerging Democracies, and others.
In other words: All are welcome.
Time & Location:
Workshops meet from 1:30 – 3:00 pm on Fridays in the Pre-Function Room on the 5th floor of Haven Hall.
Joining the IWCP listserv:
If you would like to join the IWCP listserv, you can do so via the following link with your umich email: IWCP listserv – MCommunity. If you encounter any problems, feels free top reach out to iwcp-listserv-requests (add the usual suffix). Your email will reach all organizers.
2024-2025 Call for Presenters and Discussants (First Half of Winter 2025):
To express your interest in presenting your work in the first half of Winter 2025, signing up as a discussant, and/or provide feedback, please submit the following form by Friday, December 20th:
The form is now closed. We will be circulating our call for presenters for the second half of Winter 2025 later in the semester.