Notes to Contributors
JALT publishes scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles that contribute to a proper and principled understanding of the Arabic linguistics tradition, encompassing the whole range of phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and other related analyses and the specific contribution of linguists since the tradition’s earliest inception (around the 8th Century) until the 15th Century. The journal accepts articles in English and Arabic. The journal also welcomes translation articles, especially those accompanied by commentary and/or analysis sections.
Notes to Contributors
Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 200 words to be followed by 7-10 Key words relevant to the content of the article. Please upload both a PDF and an MS Word version. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout. The author’s identity should not be revealed in the manuscript; instead, a cover sheet should include: the author’s name, address (post and email), telephone number, academic affiliation, and the title of the article. Footnotes should appear at the foot of the relevant page. IPA symbols must be used throughout except with proper names, in which case authors are advised to follow IPA or the common spelling of such names.
Proofs will be sent to the authors for correction and should be returned by the deadline given.