Dispatches – Kenneth Mills


Dispatches journeys near & far



 The pieces I write (and illustrate) in my occasional “Substack” column are not refereed, but they are rigorously researched and composed. Many of them investigate history, the predicaments of historical interpretation and its aftermaths. In Dispatches I take up the challenge of telling the past differently, in the midst of present realities, and thinking of a broader readership. I published twenty-nine pieces in 2023. Buffet’s Backdrop ; Adventure ; Dublin, Lavinia Fontana and the Queen of Sheba ; Ica ; Natalie Zemon Davis and Ludwig Holberg ; and Annunciation Prowl might be representative.

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A selection of other dispatches from the archive:

More Than Human

The Osiris

The Trinity Diner



Bernie Gunther’s First Gimlet

Apostles & Authoritarians

St Anthony & The Fishes

Sir John Elliott

Bruce Cockburn

The Empire Builder, headed west

On Giants

Train to Aracataca

Palomar’s Starlings and Benjamin’s Otter

Ten of my watercolours accompany the essays in a symposium coordinated by Haris A. Durrani and Henry M. Cowles and published in the Los Angeles Review of Books on Sunday, 27 March 2022: “Sciences of Dune

Port Huron, MI, USA

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