College and Beyond II – The Outcomes of Liberal Education

Virtual Colloquium Series

Our final webinar will provide an overview of the College and Beyond II data, which will open to researchers in fall 2022. We will survey the kinds of data that will be available; discuss what kinds of research questions the data can help to explore, with example analyses and findings; and provide information on how to access and use the data through ICPSR. More details will be coming soon!

In the meantime, sign up to receive announcements about the latest news and upcoming events from the College and Beyond II study. Visit our 2021-22 Series page and 2020-21 Series page to watch recordings of past events, and continue the conversation via social using #CollegeAndBeyond2.

College and Beyond II

College and Beyond II: Outcomes of a Liberal Arts Education is a 3 ½ year initiative led by a team of researchers from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. The aim of the project is to refine and test a set of measures and methods for representing the nature and assessing the value of a liberal arts education. College and Beyond II is supported by a grant from The Mellon Foundation under the auspices of the Mellon Research Forum on the Value of Liberal Arts Education.


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