Registration Is Now Closed
Workshop Topic:
Teaching with Authentic Materials:
Theoretical and Practical Classroom Implications
This workshop will address both theoretical approaches and practical implications of using authentic materials in the Polish language classroom. Authentic materials are defined as materials that were not created for language learning purposes, and include audio, visual, and printed materials (e.g. commercials, news, films, cartoons, graphic books, TV guides, catalogues, lyrics to songs, restaurant menus, product labels, street signs, billboards, public transport schedules etc).
The workshop will provide a platform for an exchange of ideas and discussion on best practices in Polish language teaching.
The workshop will consist of individual presentations and a poster session/round-table discussion where instructors will present and share materials they have developed.
We invite all Polish language instructors to apply to present at the workshop, however, presenting is not required to participate in the workshop.
Call for Presentation & Poster Session Proposals
For Individual Presentations, topics can include but are not limited to:
- Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs regarding the use of authentic materials
- Advantages and limitations of using authentic materials
- Effective search for authentic materials
- Authentic materials in developing cultural awareness
- Preparing students to work with authentic materials: how to alleviate students’ anxiety and frustration
- Using technology in adapting authentic materials (adaptation, supplementation, and design)
- Creative ways to use authentic materials for teaching Polish
- Designing activities using authentic materials for students on all levels of language proficiency
Individual presentations should be limited to 20 minutes so that there will be time left for questions and discussion. Send the following information to Ewa Pasek by Friday, March 17, 2017:
- a presentation abstract of 75-100 words
- a short biographical sketch (maximum 100 words) including a brief description of your research and/or teaching interests
Poster Session/Roundtable Discussion
We invite all attendees to bring and share the activities and exercises based on authentic materials they have developed and successfully use in their classroom. Send the following information to Ewa Pasek by Friday, April 7, 2017:
- indicate the type of authentic materials: (audio, visual, printed)
- indicate the language level of learners (activities aimed at elementary, intermediate, advanced, heritage level)
- your school/university affiliation
The names of all presenters, both individual presenters and poster session participants will be listed on the program.