A list of the ongoing educational and outreach activities of this project:
- Summer research experience involving undergraduates of the College of Charleston (Charleston, SC) to complement the unPAK project (Undergraduate Phenotyping of Arabidopsis Knockouts)…2016, 2017 [click Summer Program Outline to see a summary of our program]
- Research lab tours and demonstrations of biological/chemical experiments for local high school students and teachers…2015, 2018
- Incorporation of project research techniques and results into molecular biology course for advanced undergraduates…2016, 2017
- Science Outreach to Detroit-area high school, and host sponsor for high school student laboratory research project…2016, 2018.
- Development of a bioinformatics ethics course (BioStat 810: Approaches to the Responsible Practice of Biostatistics) for University of Michigan students…2017
- Research experience for underrepresented UM-Flint undergraduate honors science project…2017
For more information and resources concerning educational and outreach activities in PGRP projects, go to the GETBIO-PGR site.