Why Join PBK?

Two long-haired inductees, one in a plaid bazer and white blouse and the other in a black blouse, hold up a gold Phi Beta Kappa key and smile at the camera.

Membership in Phi Beta Kappa is recognized worldwide as an indication of academic excellence. Fewer than 10% of American colleges and universities have been awarded chapters and each of those invites no more than 10% of its graduating students each year. Since it was founded in 1776, PBK has inducted into its ranks U.S. presidents, supreme court justices, Nobel prize winners, notable entertainers and athletes, and leaders in education, law, science, medicine, business and many more endeavors.

Unlike some honoraries to which you may have been invited early in your undergraduate career, PBK elects most of its members right before they graduate, so membership depends upon academic excellence sustained over a period of three or more years. Phi Beta Kappa is one of only three honorary societies allowed to be included on the UM transcript. Graduate schools and potential employers recognize this and many of them look for PBK on the records of potential graduate students or employees. You will find many personal anecdotes online from people who have come to realize that is is a worthwhile distinction which has made a difference in their lives.

If you are unsure about responding to an invitation to join PBK, talk with your parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends, and faculty members whose judgment you trust. Our Executive Committee will be happy to discuss it with you as well. We want you to make the best decision for yourself and will never pressure you to join.