Research in My Past, Present, and Future

Being indecisive about so many things means having to constantly do research online or ask questions to those who might have answers. I decided to attend community college before transferring to help me decide on a major. My time at a community college was spent on self-growth and exploring the different majors available. The possibilities…

Journal #1

When I was younger, I did not have that much experience when it came to doing research. I think that I started getting more involved with it, once I got into college. Choosing to go to the University of Michigan involved a little bit of research for me. I took into consideration location, costs, and…

Research Journal

When it comes to research, i can be both patient and impatient. If it’s something that really intrigues me, then I will research something for hours, even if it means going back to information I’ve already reviewed a couple times just to make sure I didn’t miss anything else. When there is way too much…

Entry 1: My Research Journey

As an older sister, english speaking daughter, and first generation college student, I’ve had the responsibility of having the answers to many questions I could not answer. I used the people around me, my experiences, and my reliable friend, Google, to find any information I could to help me answer these questions. Whether it was…