Cameron Finch and Mary Gallagher in Ann Arbor’s Current Magazine

The December 2017 and January 2018 issues of Ann Arbor’s Current Magazine feature work by RC creative writing alumnae Cameron Finch (2016) and Mary Gallagher (2015).

Cameron writes “Person of Interest,” a monthly feature she debuted  in the January 2016 issue. She’s written about “all sorts of Ann Arborites: dancers, chocolate makers, venture capitalists, preschool teachers, bloggers, and bartenders,” including the RC’s Laura Thomas. Click for a link to her Current archive. Cameron is a candidate for an MFA in Writing and Publishing at Vermont College of Fine Arts, where she serves as managing editor of the VCFA literary journal Hunger Mountain. She also writes for Michigan Quarterly Review and Buzzworthy, and is working on stories and her first novel. Find out more about her at her website.

Mary has an article about vaping in the January Current, and an article about “treetown muralists” in December’s. She’s working on an article about the Ann Arbor Film Festival. Click for a link to her Current archive. Mary works at the literary arts program at the Neutral Zone, and teaches a short story workshop there. She’s starting a nursing program, and working on a fiction collection. By the way, Mary’s dad, Terry, is also an RC alum (1977).

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