826michigan: website
BathHouse Journal: website
Belt Magazine: website
BOLT: website
Booth: website
Bottom Dog Press: website
Canariam Books: website
Citizen Lit Podcast: website
Columbia Poetry Review: website
cream city review: website
Curbside Splendor: website
Dunes Review: website
Dzanc Books: website
Eclipse: thereviewreview
Engine Books: website
Featherproof Books: website
Fiction Writers Review: website
First Class Literary Magazine: website
Fortnight Literary Press: website
Frogpond: website
From Around Here Productions: website
Great Lakes Review: website
Hair Trigger: columbia college website
Heavy Feather Review: website
Hobart: website
Iowa Review: website
Joyland: website
Knee-Jerk Magazine: website
Literati Bookstore: website
Lloyd Hall Scholars Arts and Literary Journal: website
Marick Press: website
Michigan Publishing (U-M): website
Michigan Quarterly Review: website
Mid-American Review: website
Midwestern Gothic: website
New Harmony Writers Workshop: website
Ninth Letter: website
Oleander Review: website
Passages North: website
Pity Milk Press: website
Pleaides: website
Plumberries Press: website
Poets and Writers: website
Prison Creative Arts Program: website
Quiddity International Literary Journal: website
Red Beard Press: website
RC Review
Slippery Elm: website
Small Victories Press: tumblr
Southern Indiana Review: website
Switchgrass Books: website
Sycamore Review: website
Third Coast: website
Tishman Review: website
Two Dollar Radio: website
Wake: website
Wayne State University Press (Made in Michigan Series): website
Xylem: website