
Accordion Shortcode

[toggles class=”yourcustomclass”]
[toggle title=”Accordion number 1″]Toggle 1 content goes here.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Accordion number 2″]Toggle 2 content goes here.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Accordion number 3″]Toggle 3 content goes here.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Accordion number 4″]Toggle 4 content goes here.[/toggle]

[button style=”btn-default btn-lg” icon=”fa fa-twitter” align=”left” iconcolor=”#008fc4″ type=”link” target=”false” title=”Button” link=””]

download  Earth!


[icon type=”glyphicon-adjust” color=”#00274c”]

[icon type=”glyphicon glyphicon-camera” color=”#a5db1e” link=””]

[iconheading type=”h2″ style=”fa fa-camera-retro” color=”#f200c5″]Earth[/iconheading]

[iconheading type=”h2″ style=”fa fa-camera-retro” color=”#f200c5″]Earth[/iconheading]

[iconheading type=”h2″ style=”fa fa-camera-retro” color=”#f200c5″]Earth[/iconheading]

[iconheading type=”h2″ style=”fa fa-camera-retro” color=”#f200c5″]Earth[/iconheading]

Tabs Shortcode

[tabs class=”yourcustomclass”]
[tab title=”Spring” active=”active”]Iusto noster verterem eos an, an vel lobortis iracundia. Ad enim integre aliquando cum, cu cum vitae neglegentur voluptatibus, ea cum corpora accusata ocurreret.[/tab]
[tab title=”Summer”]Pri cu vidit admodum. Eu repudiandae definitionem usu, te nihil quando prodesset per. Noster detracto temporibus vim ei, no aliquip facilis sed.[/tab]
[tab title=”Fall”]Te sea justo lorem sanctus. Mea quodsi debitis eu, ius quas integre ut, putant nonumes democritum sed ei. Propriae efficiantur definitiones est te, te nec modo ipsum eirmod, ad sumo sonet mel.[/tab]
[tab title=”Winter”]Harum iuvaret saperet nec in. An est augue verterem imperdiet, ut aeterno pericula quaerendum sea.


List Shortcode with arrow icon

[li type=”glyphicon-arrow-right”] Iusto noster verterem eos an, an vel lobortis iracundia.[/li]
[li type=”glyphicon-arrow-right”] Eu repudiandae definitionem usu, te nihil quando prodesset per. [/li]
[li type=”glyphicon-arrow-right”] Noster detracto temporibus vim ei, no aliquip facilis sed.[/li]

Horizontal List

[dl style=”dl-horizontal”]
[dlitem heading=”Heading 1″]Apples[/dlitem]
[dlitem heading=”Heading 2″]Pineapple[/dlitem]
[dlitem heading=”Heading 3″]Pomegranate[/dlitem]


Default List

[dlitem heading=”Heading 1″]Banana[/dlitem]
[dlitem heading=”Heading 2″]Raspberry[/dlitem]
[dlitem heading=”Heading 3″]Mango[/dlitem]


Button with Apple Icon

[button style=”btn-default btn-lg” icon=”fa fa-apple” align=”left” iconcolor=”#00274c” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Apple” link=””]


[btngrptoolbar class=”yourcustomclass”][/btngrptoolbar][buttongroup][button style=”btn-default ” type=”link” target=”false” link=”#” title=”Check This Out” ]

[tooltip type=”link” link=”” target=”_self” tooltip=”Tooltip text field” style=”top” ]slideshow2[/tooltip]

[iconheading type=”h2″ style=”glyphicon glyphicon-globe” color=”#0da5d7″]Heading[/iconheading]

[popovernew title=”A title” button_text=”Popover” trigger=”click” style=”top” size=”” type=”btn-default” ]Your Content[/popovernew]

[dropdown dropup=”dropdown”]
[dropdownhead style=”btn-default” size=”” split=””]
[dropdownitem type=”menuitem” link=”#” ]Dropdown Item 1[/dropdownitem]
[dropdownitem type=”menuitem” link=”#” ]Dropdown Item 2[/dropdownitem]

[image src=”” shape=”img-circle”]

[badge bgcolor=”#0da5d7″ value=”Badge Shortcode”]

[slider captioncolor=”#ffffff”]
[slide title=”Radish” image=”” caption=”Radish” active=”active”/]
[slide title=”Researcher” image=”” caption=”Researcher”/]
[slide title=”Planting” image=”” caption=”Planting”/]

[table width =”100%” style =”” responsive =”true”]

[icon type=”glyphicon-adjust” color=”#00274c”] working very
well! well see
ha he hea
haha hah he


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