Mark Kazanski, Bernard Sampson, Gloria Rubac, Gus Breslauer: “Anti-fascism in the age of Trump”

“Since the Nazi seizure of power eighty years ago, anti-fascism has been a component of left-wing politics. In response to the Trump presidency, the politics of anti-fascism, reminiscent of the Popular Front of the 1930s or the Black Bloc politics of the 1990s, have—once again—been resurrected by the Left. How is anti-fascism the same or…

Mark Bray interviewed: ““Antifa Isn’t A Hobby Or A Fad”

“Agree or disagree with what anti-fascists do, but it’s important to understand their activities in a larger political and ethical context. Which is to say that the violence of fascism and the violence of anti-fascism are only identical if you ignore what fascism means. There is a de-politicization of fascism that sees it as essentially…

The National Lawyers Guild op-ed: “We are all antifa”

“This campaign to recast antifa as a violent, leftist suppression of speech is a dangerous effort eerily reminiscent of the left-baiting that accompanied the Nazi rise to power.  The National Lawyers Guild won’t stand by as fascists and white supremacists seek to take power in the streets and halls of government. We stand in solidarity…

George Ciccariello-Maher interviewed: “What is Antifa? A Scholar of the Movement Explains”

“Antifa is not a specific organization. Maybe you could call it a movement, but it’s really more an orientation. And that orientation is of course in the name: it’s against fascism and recognizing the need to confront that fascism directly.  As an orientation antifa plays a specific role. It is against something. Most antifa members…