Grad / Postdoc Openings

Postdoc Openings

We have openings for postdocs! Topics span a wide range: from the theory of strongly correlated many-body systems to numerical methods development to the application of computer codes to strongly correlated systems. You should have a strong theory background and, preferably, interest or experience in scientific computing. For more details contact Emanuel

Graduate Student Openings

Interested in joining one of the condensed matter theory groups at Michigan as a graduate student? Each year we have several openings for theory students in all of quantum CM theory, ranging from quantum information to numerical to analytical theory, as well as quantum chemistry. Our students come from all over the world. Classical/Soft Matter CM theory and analytical CM theory have additional openings. Please contact one of us (Emanuel Gull, Kai Sun, Xiaoming Mao, Dominika Zgid) for additional information. Graduate admissions are handled centrally by our Rackham graduate school.

The best indications of what a PhD in one of our theory group looks like is given by the PhD theses. Have a look at Xi’s, Qiaoyuan’s, or Joe’s thesis!

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