Asa Gray’s European Voyage

Gray's Voyage Story Map Link

In the winter of 1838, Professor Asa Gray left for his year abroad in Europe. While in Europe, he visited prestigious universities and introduced himself to the European scientific community. He also bought books per his arrangement with the University of Michigan: a year-long sabbatical in exchange for a collegiate library [1]. Clicking the image above launches a “Story Map” tracing Gray’s movement throughout Europe. Moreover, this interactive feature puts Gray’s thoughts and observations into a spatial context, enabling viewers to imagine themselves as European tourists in 1838-1839.

Click the image above to open a “Story Map” that follows Gray’s movement throughout Europe.

[1] Russell E. Bidlack, “The University of Michigan General Library, a History of its Beginnings, 1837-1852.” (PhD diss., University of Michigan, 1954), 119.