#UMichStudyBreak is Here!

Ladies and gentlemen, finals are upon us. With many students feeling the strain of exam week stress, we at LSA social media wanted to provide a temporary distraction for those students who have spent a few too many hours in the library. We introduce…


Back for a third year, UMich Study Break is the advice-giving, tip-sharing, gif-glorifying response to the stress finals can bring. However, this year we wanted to step it up a bit. Now, you can receive a daily dose of exam enthusiasm directly to your inbox (we know you’re checking it while you study anyways, professional procrastinators).

Along with the fun and relaxing tips, tricks, events, and as always, cute baby animals that we will be sharing on our Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr accounts, students also have the opportunity to subscribe to our UMich Study Break e-newsletter.

Sign up today and crush those finals like the ~leaders and best~ that we know you are.