Welcome to LSA Technology Services WordPress Service
Welcome to the University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Science, and the Art’s (U-M LSA) Faculty, Lab and Research site informational website, which utilizes the WordPress platform to offer an easily editable, U-M branded website platform for LSA faculty members, their labs and research projects. WordPress is a popular and dynamic open-source software platform widely used in higher education for web content management systems and blogs.
Please visit the Getting Started page to learn more about the site request process and working with Web Services on your site. Sites can be requested by completing the quick request form.
Site Types in the WordPress Multisite Network:
- Faculty Websites
- Labs
- Research Projects
- Resource Websites
- Initiatives
- Blogs
- Graduate Student Sites
- Conferences | Symposiums | Workshops

WordPress Network at a Glance

1,100 + sites
Supported by the Web and Application Development Team

4,553 + users
Editors, Admins, and Authors in the network
Latest Posts
- How to Effectively Format Your WordPress Content: Understanding Web Formatting vs. Microsoft WordCreating content for your website requires a different approach compared to Microsoft Word. When you’re publishing on a digital platform such as WordPress,… Continue reading How to Effectively Format Your WordPress Content: Understanding Web Formatting vs. Microsoft Word
- Out with the Old: The Astrid Theme RetiresChange is in the air, and here at LSA Technology Services, we’re embracing it wholeheartedly. As part of our ongoing efforts to provide… Continue reading Out with the Old: The Astrid Theme Retires
- AI Assisted PostUse the new AI Assistant Block to help write content on your site Prompt example: write about a forest ecosystem and how it… Continue reading AI Assisted Post
- GA4 transition for Universal Google AnalyticsIf you’ve logged into your Google Analytics account recently, you know that Universal Analytics will stop collecting data on July 1, 2023. Below… Continue reading GA4 transition for Universal Google Analytics
- New Hosting Enterprise Platform for WordPress ServicesOver the past year LSA Technology Services has embarked on the task of identifying a web hosting company to manage the College’s diverse… Continue reading New Hosting Enterprise Platform for WordPress Services
- New Network Theme + Plugin SetWe’ve recently added to our theme selection available to sites in the LSA Technology Services WordPress Multisite network! Twenty-Twenty-One is now available as… Continue reading New Network Theme + Plugin Set

We offer seven different site themes and a handful of plug in options.
More information on our theme choices can be found under Example Themes.
Please email LSATechnologyServices@umich.edu with questions, comments, ideas, or feedback.