
Fall 2023 – right now I am teaching:

ANTHRBIO 463 / PSYCH 463 / ENVIRON 473: Statistical modeling and data visualization in R

This course is a boot camp in statistical modeling and data visualization using the R computer language. Topics include basic R programming, data exploration, statistical modeling, formal model comparison, parameter estimation and interpretation, and the visual display of quantitative information. Students will learn how to use the R statistical environment to process, analyze, and visualize data. We will provide R code to execute all example analyses used in class; assignments will entail modifying and extending this code to solve similar problems. Statistical topics will focus primarily on various types of general linear models, generalized linear models (GLMs), and generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) and formal model comparison using information criteria. We will also discuss data imputation, resampling, and basic simulations. Classes on data visualization will help students to learn principled, effective ways to visually depict data using R. This is not an introductory statistics course. Participants are expected to begin the course with a solid understanding of basic statistical methods (e.g., linear regression). No formal modeling experience, programming ability, or knowledge of advanced mathematics are required. Some prior experience with R is advisable, but not required. This course fulfills the university’s Quantitative Reasoning Requirement (QR1). (next offering likely Fall 2024). 

ANTHRARC / ANTHRBIO / ANTHRCUL 770: First year graduate proseminar in anthropology

The goals of this seminar are to familiarize you with the Department of Anthropology at the University of Michigan, provide a space for discussion of the milestones and challenges of graduate school, and share practical information about the field of anthropology and academia in general. More broadly, this seminar will help you begin the ongoing tasks of understanding the discipline and developing a professional identity. We will discuss important policies, key milestones (e.g., preliminary exams), upcoming experiences (e.g., becoming a graduate student instructor), and other important considerations (e.g., identifying committee members and mentors). We will also introduce you to a variety of resources that will help you as you proceed through our graduate program We will also have four sessions that address Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship, a required curriculum for all Ph.D. students at UM that aims to foster and uphold ethical standards in scholarly endeavors.

In Winter 2024 I will be teaching:

ANTHRBIO 362 / EEB 362 / ENVIRON 362: Primate Evolutionary Ecology

This course examines the ecology of primates within an evolutionary framework. We consider how environmental factors and ecological processes have shaped the anatomy, physiology, and behavior of individuals, the distributions and demographic characteristics of primate populations, and the interspecific interactions that occur within the ecological communities in which primates live. Topics in primate and rainforest conservation biology, such as indirect interactions between organisms, population viability analysis, and nature reserve design and management, will also be discussed. Lectures will cover theoretical concepts in individual, population, and community ecology, illustrate these with primate and other vertebrate examples, and critique empirical studies of primate ecology. Labs will emphasize developing an appreciation for ecological research and inquiry through field exercises involving data collection, analysis, and write-up; computer activities involving simple simulations and the exploration and analysis of existing datasets; critical assessment of primary ecological literature; and discussion of both theoretical and applied topics in primate conservation.

COMPFOR 303 : Fundamentals of scientific computing in R

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to scientific computing using the R programming language. R is a popular and powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing quantitative information, and this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to utilize R in a range of contexts in our modern, data-driven world. We begin by learning to think like a programmer, developing core competency with analytical reasoning and training ourselves to attack problems in a logical, ordered way. Next we will learn the basics of R syntax and simple programming. We will then take a systematic approach to working with real world data, learning how to acquire, wrangle, explore, describe, analyze, and visualize quantitive information and share our results. The course is tailored for students in the natural and social sciences with little to no programming experience. Material will be presented in an accessible, interactive way, allowing students to build competence and confidence through hands-on, practical exercises that demystify the often enigmatic world of computer programming. By the end of the semester, students will have developed a strong foundational understanding of scientific computing and the ability to program in R, knowledge that will open up a wide range of possibilities for engagement in an increasingly quantitative world.

I also often teach the following courses:

ANTHRBIO 461 / ENVIRON 461: Primate Conservation Biology

This seminar is intended to foster critical consideration of a range of issues within primate conservation biology. Weekly discussions will be based on a number of broad topics. We will begin by considering alternative conceptual approaches commonly employed in conservation biology, surveying the role of models in conservation, assessing the present-day conservation status of primate populations and habitats, and discussing the major threats facing wild primate populations. Next, we will consider the relationship between the discipline of conservation biology and the practice of conservation on the ground. We will progress to a discussion of conservation priority setting, strategies and tactics, local human communities as both potential allies and threats to conservation of wild primate populations, and whether or not primates deserve protection and conservation more than other taxa. Over the course of the semester seminar participants will identify topics of particular interest that will be pursued in depth and developed through peer review and discussion, culminating in a term paper and formal presentation.

ANTHRBIO 570: Biological Anthropology: An Overview

This graduate course is an introduction to biological anthropology. Topics include evolutionary theory and comparative, anatomical, behavioral, and genetic approaches to studying human origins. These evolutionary perspectives are essential to a comprehensive understanding of modern humans. We divide the semester into three sections: historical foundations (week 1), microevolution (weeks 2–6), and macroevolution (weeks 7-14).