Hello! I am an Associate Professor of media studies and Founding Director of the Global Media Studies Initiative in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. My work focuses on global media and communication, digital studies, and media and cultural history. My books and articles explore the impact that processes of globalization and digitalization have on the media industries, audiences and user practices, and cultural identity and politics. The two main projects I am engaged with now – a co-authored book provisionally titled The Digital Popular: Media, Culture and Politics in Networked India, and a co-edited anthology on Global Digital Cultures: Perspectives from South Asia – map how mobile and digital media infrastructures, platforms, and practices have transformed the meanings and performances of citizenship.
I am the author of From Bombay to Bollywood: The Making of a Global Media Industry (NYU Press, 2013), co-editor of Global Bollywood (NYU Press, 2008), Television At Large in South Asia (2013), and Global Digital Cultures: Perspectives from South Asia (forthcoming, University of Michigan Press). I am one of the editors of the peer-reviewed journal Media, Culture and Society and also co-edit the Critical Cultural Communication series for NYU Press.
Aswin Punathambekar
Department of Communication Studies
#5427, North Quad
105 N. State St,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Ph: 734-615-0949
Email: aswinp@umich.edu
Twitter: @aswinp