Congratulations on Bo promotion.

Bo received a promotion confirmation from LSA-EC today. Congratulations Bo!!! His packages will now move on to his next destinations (the Provost’s office for Bo). But getting LSA approval is a big step and congratulations for Bo of our PI is in order again.

Congratulations Verity!

Verity Lee, an undergraduate who studied in our lab for two years, started studying at Drexel University College of Medicine last August. We are late to congratulate you, but we sincerely congratulate you!!!

“Abnormal somatosensory behaviors associated with a gain-of-function mutation in TRPV3 channels” has been accepted for publication

The manuscript titled “Abnormal somatosensory behaviors associated with a gain-of-function mutation in TRPV3 channels” has been accepted for publication in the  Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, section Brain Disease Mechanisms journal written by Dr. Bo Duan, Mahar Fatma, Hannah Slade, Lorraine Horwitz, Angela Shi, Jingyi Liu, Delaney Mckinstry, Troy Villani, and Haoxing Xu.

Honors Designation

Undergraduates Verity Lee, Diana Melikyan, and Timmy Li’s thesis has received the designation of Honors. Congratulations to our graduating seniors!