Moneros weigh in on their favorite monkeys

Tail, a juvenile male from Tenori group

Ariek: My favorite monkey is Tail.  He is a 4-year-old in the Tenori group and the capuchin world’s best babysitter.  He can’t go anywhere without a trail of babies following, especially the rambunctious Tenori.  And he has never-ending patience, playing with them for hours on end.  He may be missing a tail, but that doesn’t stop him from racing around, wrestling on perilously-thin branches, and enjoying life!


Tico, a subadult male from Tenori group


Celia: My favorite monkey would have to be (hemmed and hawed for 10 minutes) Tico.  Because, number 1, he has a very symmetrical face.  Reason number 2, he likes to play around.  He is a kindred spirit of mine because he likes to play around like me, Celia “Games” McLean.  If I was a capuchin monkey, I would play games with Tico all day.  He likes to chase monkeys around, give them friendly bites and smacks, and have a general good time.



Alex: Mi mono favorito era del parque Lomas Barbudal y se llamaba Fonz.  El era un macho alfa.  A mi me gustaba Fonz porque el era agresivo y es el único mono que me pego en mi estómago y me se cola aire.


Maní, a juvenile male from Mesas group.


Juanca: Mi mono favorito es Mani.  El es mi héroe del día (hero of the day), porque cargó uno de los dos bebes de Minnie cuando el bebe y su mamá estaban separados.  Minnie dejó uno de ellos y Mani cargó el bebe que estaba separado de Minnie.  Se veía que le era difícil cargarlo en la espalda, pero Mani tuvo la determinación a llevarlo aunque fue por corta distancia.