
Islamic Art in the Third Millennium: From Regimes to Horizons

Riding the Winds of Change: Khamseen and Islamic Art History Online

“A Safavid Multiple-Text Compendium: Formal Contents and Visual Conundra”

The Painterly Still: Twentieth-Century Egyptian Film Posters

Wishing Trees and Whirling Rocks: Eco-Material Rituals at the Alevi Shrine of Abdal Musa

Riding the Winds of Change: Khamseen and Islamic Art History Online

From ISIS to the AfD: Ultraist Rhetoric and Visuality in Alt-Orientalist Concurrence

The Prophet Muhammad’s Sandalprint: Muslim Retro-Cool and the Product-Placed Sermon in Contemporary Turkey

From Moral Catechism to Scathing Critique: Picturing Hell in Islamic Traditions

Buraq in Islamic Pictorial Traditions

Without Pen, Without Ink: Fingernail Art in the Qajar Period

Mi‘râcnâme’nin Osmanlı saray koleksiyonu’ndaki serüveni ve etkisi: Görsel ilham kaynağı ve yazılı yorumu

The Mi’rajnama’s Afterlife in Ottoman Palace Circles: Pictorial Stimulus and Verbal Ekphrasis

İlhama yolculuk: Miraç metinleri ve resimleri

Journey to Inspiration: Mi’raj Texts and Images

The Prophet Muhammad’s ‘Ayn Seal: A Safavid-Period Diagram as Cosmic Vision

Materializing Muhammad in the Modern Islamic World (in English and German)

The Prophet as a Sacred Spring: Late Ottoman Hilye Bottles

The Masonic Muhammad: Modern Franco-Iranian Visual Encounters in Prophetic Iconography

Like Hearts of Birds: Ottoman Avian Microarchitecture in the Eighteenth Century

Bereket Bargains: Islamic Amulets in Today’s “New Turkey”

The Mi’raj Mosaic at Princeton University

King of Kings of Africa: Racializing Qaddafi in the Visual Output of the 2011 Libyan Revolution

The Gezi Martyrs and Visual Resistance in Turkey, part one and part two

Back to Nature: The Votive in Islamic Visual and Material Cultures

Prophetic Products: Muhammad in Contemporary Iranian Visual Culture

Signs of the Hour: Eschatological Imagery in Islamic Book Arts

Islamic Architecture on the Move, Editor’s Preface

Introduction: The Politics and Poetics of the Child Image in Muslim Contexts

Questioning the ‘Classical’ in Persian Painting: Models and Problems of Definition

The Missiri of Fréjus as Healing Memorial: Mosque Metaphors and the French Colonial Army (1928-1964)

The Martyrs’ Museum in Tehran: Visualizing Memory in Post-Revolutionary Iran

The ‘Restored’ Shi‘i Mushaf as Divine Guide?: The Practice of Fal-i Qur’an in the Safavid Period

Between Logos (Kalima) and Light (Nur): Representations of the Prophet Muhammad in Islamic Painting

The Message is on the Wall: Mural Arts in Post-Revolutionary Iran

The Keir Mi‘raj: Islamic Storytelling and the Picturing of Tales in the Fifteenth Century

The Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension (Mi‘raj) in Islamic Painting and Literature: Evidence from Cairo Collections

L’Ascension (Mi‘raj) du Prophète Mohammad dans la peinture et la littérature islamiques

The Visual Culture of ISIS: Truculent Iconophilia as Antagonistic Co-Evolution

Idols and Figural Images in Islam: A Brief Dive into a Perennial Debate

Real Absence: Imagining God in Turco-Persian Painting, 1300-1600 CE

‘Go Wherever You Wish, for Verily You are Well Protected’: Seal Designs in Late Ottoman Amulet Scrolls and Prayer Books

Matériaux mystiques: L’ art religieux et dévotionnel de l’Iran qajar

Images of the Prophet Muhammad: Brief Thoughts on Some European-Islamic Encounters

In Defense and Devotion: Affective Practices in Early Modern Turco-Persian Manuscript Paintings

Gezi Graffiti: Shout-Outs to Resistance and Rebellion in Contemporary Turkey

Painting, from Royal to Urban Patronage (1450-1650)

The Path to Paradise: Jerusalem in Islamic Ascension Texts and Images

From Prayer to Protection: Amulets and Talismans in the Islamic World

The Cranes of Gezi

Nazr Necessities: Votive Objects and Practices in Iranian Muharram Ceremonies

Curse Signs: The Artful Rhetoric of Hell in Safavid Iran

Nefertiti in a Gas Mask

The Rose of the Prophet: Floral Metaphors in Late Ottoman Devotional Art

The Visual Emergence of the Occupy Gezi Movement

The Prophet Muhammad’s Footprint

To Not Toil in Lonely Obsession: Modern Persian Erotica in the Kinsey Institute

Images of Muhammad In and Out of Modernity: The Curious Case of a 2008 Mural in Tehran

Strategic Strikes: Images of War and Disaster from Iran to America

Power and Protection: Late Ottoman Seal Designs

When Nubuvvat Encounters Valayat: Safavid Paintings of the Prophet Muhammad’s Micraj, ca. 1500-1550

The Ilkhanid Mi’rajnama of ca. 1317-35 as an Illustrated Sunni Prayer Manual

Introduction: Islamic Book Arts in Indiana University Collections

A Pious Cure-All: The Ottoman Illustrated Prayer Manual in the Lilly Library

Realabsenz: Gottesbilder in der Islamischen Kunst zwischen 1300 und 1600

Il viaggio del Profeta: Il Libro dell’Ascensione di Maometto

Media/ting Conflict: Iranian Posters from the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88)

Jerusalem in the Visual Propaganda of Post-Revolutionary Iran

“Mi‘rajnama,” The Encyclopaedia of Islam THREE

“Posters in Iran,” Encyclopaedia Iranica

“Images,” Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God

“Al-Buraq,” The Encyclopaedia of Islam

“Buraq,” Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World

Meraj ii. Illustrations,” Encyclopedia Iranica

“Divination,” in Medieval Islamic Civilization: An Encyclopedia