
From ISIS to the AfD: Ultraist Rhetoric and Visuality in Orientalist Concurrence

The Tree as an ‘Animal-esque Plant’ (Nabat Hayawani): Arboreal Thoughtscapes in Muslim Majority Lands

Hima in the House: Avian Architecture across the Islamic World

Hamline University: Islamophobia vs Academic Freedom

The ‘Identity’ of Islamic Art in Pedagogical Settings: From the University Classroom to Integrated Technologies

In Defense and Devotion: Affective Practices in Early Modern Islamic Manuscript Paintings

IJIA Dialogues #2 “On Pedagogy” 

Riding the Winds of Change: Khamseen and Islamic Art History Online

Like Hearts of Birds: Ottoman Microarchitecture and the Avian Turn

The Experience of Prophetic Beauty

“‘Wellspring of the Arts’: Iranzamin and Art, Craft, & Technology in the Qajar Period,” keynote lecture, exhibition Iranzamin, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, July 30, 2021.

Archaeological Photography at Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi

Islam Through Art

Medieval Art Matters: Muhammad in Islamic Art

Idols and Figural Images in Islam: A Brief Dive into a Perennial Debate

The New Galleries for the Department of Islamic Art in Focus

The Moon: Mirror of Faith, Science, and the Arts

Images et idoles: un débat de longue date (Musée du Louvre)

Représentations figuratives du Prophète en Islam (Musée du Louvre)

L’art du portrait, du manuscrit au décor architectural (Musée du Louvre)

A Place for People to Pray and Birds to Sing

King of Kings of Africa: Racializing Qaddafi in the Visual Output of the 2011 Libyan Uprisings

Hagia Sophia: A Conversation between Christiane Gruber & Paroma Chatterjee

Engines of Prophecy: Materializing Muhammad in the Modern Islamic World

The Prophet as a ‘Sacred Spring’: Late Ottoman Hilye Bottles 

The Masonic Muhammad: Modern Franco-Iranian Visual Encounters in Prophetic Iconography

Images of the Prophet Muhammad in Rashid al-Din’s Jamiʿ al-Tawarikh

Khamseen: “Do-For-Self”: The Visual Culture of the Nation of Islam

Khamseen: A Safavid Painting of the Prophet Muhammad’s Miʿraj

Khamseen: George Floyd in Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan: Visual Commentaries in Islamic Lands

Khamseen: Masjid

Khamseen: Two Islamic Amulets in the Aga Khan Museum