Comments and suggestions on my research are always welcome.
- A Tournament Theory of Congressional Leadership, with Joshua McCrain. Forthcoming, Public Choice.
- The Congressional Leadership Dilemma. Forthcoming, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.
- Expertise Acquisition in Congress, with Kenneth Lowande and Adam Rauh. Forthcoming, American Journal of Political Science, 2025.
- Information and Confrontation in Congressional Oversight, with Ayse Eldes and Kenneth Lowande. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2024.
- Entrenched Leviathans. Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, 2024
- Anticipating the Consequences of Filibuster Reforms. The Forum, 2023.
- The Preference for Reciprocity in Congress. American Journal of Political Science, 2023.
- Causal Inference with Latent Treatments, with Justin Grimmer. American Journal of Political Science, 2023.
- Rules and the Containment of Conflict in Congress, Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2022.
- How to Make Causal Inferences Using Texts, with Naoki Egami, Justin Grimmer, Margaret Roberts, and Brandon Stewart, Science Advances, 2022.
- Machine Learning Predictions as Regression Covariates, with Matthew Tyler. Political Analysis, 2021.
- Expertise, Networks, and Interpersonal Influence in Congress. Journal of Politics, 2020.
- Political Legacies, with Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit. PS: Political Science and Politics, 2019.
- Covariate Balancing Propensity Score for a Continuous Treatment, with Chad Hazlett and Kosuke Imai. Annals of Applied Statistics, 2018.
- Limited Obstruction, with Keith Krehbiel. American Political Science Review, 2018.
- Discovery of Treatments from Text Corpora, with Justin Grimmer. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistic, 2016.
Working Papers
- Campaign Contributions, Reciprocity, and Gender Solidarity, with Joshua McCrain and Catherine Wineinger.
- Heat Shields.
- Does Ambition Counteract Ambition?, with Ayse Eldes and Kenneth Lowande.
- Ambition and Polarization in State Legislatures, with Michael Kistner.
- Enabling Compromise, with Nicolas Hernandez Florez.
Other Writings
- Democrats Have Everything to Lose If They Abolish the Filibuster. The Hill, 8/8/2024.
- How Nancy Pelosi Overcame Her Opposition and Became House Speaker. Again. Washington Post, 1/4/2019.